integrating some of the  important task

integrating some of the important task

In this article we will be integrating some of the very important task so Let' s begin

Task Description #1- AWS?

*1*. Create a key pair?

*2*. Create a security group?Launch an instance using the above created key pair and security group.

*3*.Create an EBS volume of 1 GB.

*4*. The final step is to attach the above created EBS volume to the instance you created in the previous steps.

*5*.All the above steps must be performed using AWS CLI


##Installing the AWS CLI version 2 on Windows

I am create?AWS instances with the help of AWS??command line interface(CLI)**

Aws configuration :?Aws Config?is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the?configurations?of your?AWS?resources.?Config?continuously monitors and records your?AWS?resource?configurations?and allows you to automate the evaluation of recorded?configurations?against desired?configurations

Aws configuration command: aws configure

step 1:Create a key pair:

aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name key_name?        

# step2:?Create a security group:

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name group_name --description "_des"        

step3:?Launch an instance:

aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0947d2ba12ee1ff75 --instance-type t2.micro --security-group-ids sg-0ae0cd1c6d38dcbe9 --key-name key_akhilesh        

step 4:Create an EBS volume of 1 GiB.

aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone ap-south-1a --size 1        

tep 5:The final step is to attach the above created EBS volume to the instance you created in the previous steps.

aws ec2 attach-volume --device /dev/sda1 --instance-id i-0b09dd2eca2d11ea9 --volume-        

Task-2 Description

In a Hadoop cluster, find how to contribute limited/specific amount of?storage as slave to the cluster?

step 1 : two OS launched

step 2: Install JDK & Hadoop in both OS

step 3:data node core file

step 4:name node core file:

step 5:Data node attached one hard disk

step 6 :create partition how much


mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2

mkdir /folder


mount /dev/sdb2 /folder

step 7 :finally data node and master node are attached

Task-2 Description

In a Hadoop cluster, find how to contribute limited/specific amount of?storage as slave to the cluster?

step 1 : two OS launched

step 2: Install JDK & Hadoop in both OS

step 3:data node core file

step 4:name node core file:

step 5:Data node attached one hard disk

step 6 :create partition how much


mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2

mkdir /folder


mount /dev/sdb2 /folder

step 7 :finally data node and master node are attached

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Task 3 Increase or Decrease size LVM Partition using Python-Scrip in linux

??Integrating LVM with Hadoop and providing Elasticity to DataNode Storage

??Increase or Decrease the Size of Static Partition in Linux.

??Automating LVM Partition using Python-Script.

1.Name node(master node)

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2 .Name node hdfs and core file

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3 Date node(slave node) core and hdfs file

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4 .Data node and Name node are connected

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5.Attached sata hard disk

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#Task 3

Task Description??

??Write an Ansible PlayBook that does the following operations in the managed nodes:

?? Configure Docker

?? Start and enable Docker services

?? Pull the httpd server image from the Docker Hub

?? Run the docker container and expose it to the public

?? Copy the html code in /var/www/html directory and start the web server

step 1: Installing Ansible and checking ansible version we have required two vm first controller and second target node.

??step 2:we have create inventory file

?? Step3:check target node properly connected or no ?

??step 4: first create a folder and that in folder we have create 3 files (1 files ip2.txt 2 files gaurav.html, web.yml )

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step 5 now i have written a command to run the ansible-playbook -v web.yml

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?? step 6 final out :(ip target node=

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Task 5 : GUI container on the Docker

Task Description ??

?? GUI container on the Docker

?? Launch a container on docker in GUI mode?

?? Run any GUI software on the container


Docker is an open source containerization?platform. Docker enables developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components that combine application source code with all the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run the code in any environment.

step1: configure yum

step 2: create a docker repository

step3: Install docker.

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step4 : Check the Docker version and start the service and check status of docker

step5: check the existing images and launch container and also pull the images of centos

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step 6: Create a separate Workspace(directory) for docker

step7: create a dockerfile

vim dockerfile

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Step8: run command: docker built -t firefox .

docker build?command?builds Docker?images from a?Dockerfile

???? Note: if its error occurred => error during downloading metadata for repository 'appstre'

solution: step by step run this command

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step 9: create a docker container using firefox image with some environment variable

ENV?is mainly meant to provide default values for your future environment variables. Running dockerized applications?can?access environment variables. It's a great way to pass configuration values to your project

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