Integrating RabbitMQ With MuleSoft
Dwinsoft Technologies | Beyond Integration
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What is RabbitMQ?
The RabbitMQ broker is an open-source message broker. It's a popular open-source message queue software that is written in Erlang. It supports several API protocols such as AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and HTTP. Additionally, RabbitMQ supports a lot of the common programming languages and can run on different cloud environments and operating systems, RabbitMQ can be primarily classified under "Message Queue".
What is a Message queue?
A message queue?is made up of a producer, a broker (the message queue software), and a consumer. Producers are client applications that create messages that are delivered to the broker. The broker stores the messages and waits for the consumer to connect to it and retrieve the messages.
What is Exchange in RabbitMQ?
RabbitMQ's exchange is used as a routing mediator, to receive messages from producers and push them to message queues according to rules provided by the RabbitMQ exchange type. Each RabbitMQ exchange type uses a separate set of parameters and bindings to route the message.
Pros of using RabbitMQ:
RabbitMQ is popular because it has several benefits which include:
Steps To Create RabbitMQ:
Steps 1: Open the website using this URL( click on Login and create an instance to create queues.
Step 2: Click on Queues and Streams to create a queue and you Bind a Queues by clicking Exchanges.
A binding in RabbitMQ is an association between a queue and an exchange. Queues have to be bound to at least one exchange to receive messages from publishers. Bindings are rules for routing messages to queues.
We Can Get the connector from Anypoint Exchange:
RabbitMQ Connector is referred to as AMQP Connector in Anypoint Studio.
If the connector is not present in your studio, you can get it from?Search in Exchange.
Once imported, the AMQP connector and its Components will be available in the Mule palette, as shown below.
Configuring the Connectors:
To be able to connect to RabbitMQ and use AMQP operations in your Mule Project, you need to configure a connection. For this purpose, in Global Elements, you need to add AMQP Config by selecting Connector Configuration–>AMQP Config.
By using Test Connection, you can verify that your configurations are correct.
To get Username and password click the Instances Name and Scroll down to get AMQP details.
Listener: AMQP Listener for Queues, allows to listen for incoming messages.
Listening to published data from a queue
Publish Operation that allows the user to publish a single AMQP Message to a given exchange.
Publishing data to Exchange using Postman.
Published data to Exchange Queue.
Consume Operation that allows the user to consume a single AMQP Message from a given Queue.
Publish Consume:?Publish the message and then wait for a response from the consuming operation. This operation publishes the content into the queue and waits for a response up to the configured queue Timeout value.
ACK: A signal that a RabbitMQ sends to indicate that data has been received successfully.
Reject Operation that allows the user to reject a delivery.
Requeue: In the context of RabbitMQ configuration, "re-queued" usually refers to the process of putting a message back into a queue after it was taken out or consumed from the queue but wasn't successfully processed.
Here's how it works:
This concept helps ensure that messages don't get lost due to processing failures. If a consumer encounters an issue while processing a message, the message can be re-queued, allowing another consumer to have a chance at processing it correctly.
In RabbitMQ configurations, you can set rules and conditions for when messages should be re-queued after consumption fails, and how many times they can be re-queued before being treated as a "dead letter" or permanently removed from the queue.
Note: While using the ACK/Reject component give ACKmode as Manual in the Listener component.
If Ack mode is immediate it will throw an error as ("An error occurred while acknowledging?a message with ackId: 1-1. An error occurred during ack. The channel for the manual acknowledge of the AckId provided was not found") to fix this error keep Ack mode Manual while using Ack/Reject