Integrating overseas staff into the workplace
RJS Resourcing is a dynamic recruitment agency in Cornwall specialising in Healthcare, Hospitality and Office & Admin.
With an estimated *5.9 million international staff now making up the employed population (that’s 18% of the UK’s workforce!), it’s easy to see why HR departments are now including policies within their induction structure to help new staff become integrated into the workplace, as well as better re-location support. Here’s how you can adopt these into your employment.
?Remember when you started a new position, perhaps in a completely unfamiliar setting? There’s no underestimating the power of a friendly face offering help and support. For many international workers, English will not be their first language. Depending on their role, they may have undertaken a language test, checking their ability to read, write, speak and understand English to a certain level. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are fluent, so be patient and give them time to adjust. As an employer you can help them settle in by:
?As an employer, it’s important to remember that successful recruitment and retention of overseas workers is dependent on how well they can integrate at work and home. Make sure you provide an inclusive environment with the right training and support made available to them.
For more advice and support on job integration or how to recruit overseas, get in touch on 01637 808888, or connect with Jemma Sydney or invite to email: [email protected]