Integrating ChatGPT into a React search bar can be achieved by using the OpenAI API

Integrating ChatGPT into a React search bar can be achieved by using the OpenAI API

Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. First, you will need to obtain an API key from OpenAI. You can sign up for the API on their website.
  2. Once you have an API key, you can use the axios library to make HTTP requests to the API from your React application.
  3. Create a form with an input field for the search bar, and a submit button to trigger the API request.
  4. When the submit button is clicked, make an API request to the ChatGPT model with the user's query as the input.
  5. Once you receive a response from the API, update the state of your React component with the response.
  6. Finally, display the response in the search bar so that the user can see the model's response.

import React, { useState } from "react";

import axios from "axios";

function SearchBar() {

?const [searchQuery, setSearchQuery] = useState("");

?const [chatGPTResponse, setChatGPTResponse] = useState("");

?const handleSubmit = async (event) => {


??const response = await



????prompt: searchQuery,

????temperature: 0.7,

????max_tokens: 150,

????top_p: 1,

????frequency_penalty: 0,

????presence_penalty: 0,



????headers: {

?????Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.REACT_APP_OPENAI_API_KEY}`,






?return (

??<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>





????onChange={(event) => setSearchQuery(}


???<button type="submit">Search</button>

???{chatGPTResponse && (








export default SearchBar;


