Integrated Systems Design and Analytics Using Universal Holistic Sustainability
The approach techniques and methodologies to be incorporated as an essential core value of true self sustaining design, are, in fact the formula itself. For any system to be verified as truly sustainable it must meet the criteria of being able t provide for it's own growth. Therefore we can compare the mechanics of this system to any other system as an analysis as to whether it is capable of this essential charadcteristic.
By not disallowing any data for any reason, excuse, prejudice, bias or belief, we are, adhering to the very laws of probability. Which are well known and universal. Then by using one standard criteria which can determine the percentage probability of the system actually meeting this criteria we have a fast-track" system ti identify and prioritize our research and application efforts. Never illuminating any idea of concept. This is important as new technology 8is constantly arising that, in many cases can be incorporated with previously what was considered low probability, now raisi8g it's status to high probability thus high priority. The system itself must allow for the universal constant of change and have a built-in mechanism to deal with this change. This allows for the criteria of self sustaining growth.
The concept Holistic entails allowing for the possibility of everything being "true" or capable of this criteria. Only when it is mathematically proven to not be self sustaining does and concept get reduces to lower priority.
This approach to analyzing all local potential resources as to their respective economic values and benefits, while understanding that nothing is waste. Only substances that have the same building blocks, at a sub-atomic level of anything and everything that we currently perceive as a product.
An example for instace is waste watwer treatment plants. This is a never ending resource. The question becomes, what applications can we derive fromtruly holistic thinking. Using a green energy economc appoach of the path of least resistance. As witnessed in space light, any ray, travels through space, not in a straight line, but rather influenced by the gravitational attraction of the objects it comes int o proximity with. These attractions increase the speed of the rays like a slingshot effect 7used by NASA with space craft. Basic physics. Because of this interaction the ray finds it's own path of least resistance. This path when looking at a waste water treatment plant can follow this model. First what are the easiest common bi-products of such a plant. Methane, and solid waste of high carbon content at it base chemical analysis. By Carbonizing the solid we get several possible products to be used in fertilizers, base carbon for a burning fuel, base carbon for construction materials, a form of carbon fibre and graphene. Methane is another common bi-product which, with use of high temperature concentrated solar power that can reach temperaturess of over 2,000*C. The resources requred to produce steam powered electricity, And seperate the green Hydrogen from the purest form of graphene. Both products in high demand. This new approach to creating a "Distillery" is 37% more efficient than most commonly used settling tank/pond systems of today. Therefore initial opperating costs drop by 37% to 40%. And the new bbi-products offer new sources of income as well, thus creating a sustainable system of economic and social growth. Including new employment for technically trained people. This adds to lower costs for monthly utilities for the community, giving higher levels of disposable income that gets injected into the local community. With more skilled labor jobs more people are effective tax contributors, which feeds the requirements for social services.And with more, happier productive peple the need for many of the social services is also reduced. Thus reducing the burden on community based governance at all levels. A truly holistic, self-sustaining system.
This is on e of many examples of the usage of this model.
The idea for collaboration is a course in Holistic Engineering concepts and applications for multiple areas of study. Th8is group of integrated student and teaching members of your institute as a think tank of multiple fauculties then can relate back to each individual faculty all findings. In fact, all findings to be shared within the association of many uni8versities on a global level to compare notes and add their respective insight. Thus maximizing the percentage of accuracy and priority status of results.
All in person classes at your institute to be simultaneously live streamed with other universities on a global level. Especially the Holistic University in Quito, Ecuador, where we have some established contacts. Of course, any and al associated Universities which whom you are currently collaborating with. In addition the Neutrino-Energy Group in Germany and India and their respective 2,000 plus associated Universities. Further colaboration with various international organizations working for the development of similar concepts and cooperation. The Neutrino-Energy Group recognized me and my studies in January of 2023 and entitled me as Global Ambassador for Neutrio Voltaic Energy with their accredidation.
During our earyl discussions I will be more than happy to provide a comprehensive list of accomplishments and awards I have obtained over the past 40 years working in this area in a total of now 48 countries and six continents.
I look forward to creating a new way forward with you to our mutual benefit and that of our respective countries and areas.
Most sincerely,
Ernest Tracey