An Integrated Strategy For Peace between Russia and Ukraine (Part 3)
What can a negotiated solution to the Russia and Ukraine crisis begin to look like??
All countries on the side of people and planet are on the side of people or planet.?
There is a red line drawn on the past of countries invading each other.
There is not a narrative of countries out of favour with the geo-politcs of one part of the world, only out of favour with the geo-politics of the whole world.?
There is an acceptance that 20th Century political paradigms alone are unable to get us through to the next century in a way that is either workable or feasible without the need for much more cooperation bothe between all countries and all people.?
We live in a world where some companies have higher incomes than enture countries. We live in a world where some individuals have higher incomes than entire countries. We have to adapt to something else, something better in the interests of the 100%. Failure to do so simply takes us into a place of non-viability for all. The cooperation in space between different countries can be brought down to Earth too. There is a win-win possible, X 7.8 Billion.?
The concept that countries people are bullied due to the policies of their governments in a pre-mobile phone, network based era is wrong. Where there is a willingness to adapt, to align to the interests of all, to embrace the thinking of protecting the planet for all, then there should be a re-set possible.?
The people of Ukraine and of Russia are both the victims of a reaction to policies that go back decades, they are policies that have gone on from the infulences of after the last war. Whilst the second world war was created due to the unfairly resolved issues of the first world war for Germany and then Germany's reaction to that. This current war is due to the fact there has been advantage taken since the end of the USSR.?The USSR once covered half of the world. The thinking of the USSR like the thinking of capitalism, consumerism and so many ism's of the last century did play out in the world in ways that took away from the original ideas and ethos. However, the ethos of collective responsibility by countries towards the world as a whole is something that has occured and yet it's something that has not been acknowledged. The truth is there are no perfect countries in the world, there are stains on the history of every country. We live in an imperfect world that got to where it is by imperfect decsions frequently made for the wrong reasons. So this we can accept and put into the past, if there is an acceptance that the leaders of today are some of the best leaders the world has ever had and yet the need for cooperation for the benefit, the wellbreing of all is beyond the needs ever required in the past. The truth is we are all interdependent, we are co-dependent on others. This was the content, the reasoning and the thinking of President Reagan and President Gorbachev when they met. It's this thinking that caused a gradual, yet steady climb down of the wall, and it's this thinking that should have been the thinking of all the years since the late 80's and yet has not been.
So there needs to be an acceptance that we are all interdependent and that no politically intollerable situations occure for any countries. The situation we see in Ukraine is intollerable, it's intollerable as the situation Russia has been put into by having;?
1. Continuous moves towards it's border by Nato and with Intimidation of games and the accumilation of troops on its border.
2. Continual misrepresentation of peace processes that Russia has played an essential and vital role in in the past together with many other countries too.
3. Continual references made to Russia being 'the threat' Russia needing to be 'contained' Russia meddling in this election, thesis written only to be disproven.
What has to be said is that Russia going into Ukraine is bullying and yet there has been ever more bullying towards Russia for years. Russia asked to go into the EU, the answer was no. Russia asked to go into Nato, the answer was no under President Yeltsin. Russia asked to go into Nato under President Putin, the answer was no again. Yet, there were more and more arms moved to the border of Russia. These were the policies whilst and during the time Russia was helping peace processes.?
Where is the problem in all of this??
Russia has never been properly given a chance to find it's place, a good place in the world. Whilst the worlds greatest threat of the last century was very much contained and broken by the army of Starlin. Whilst it was only cooperation between the USA, UK and Russia that enabled that to occur. The UK, USA and EU effectively become one club that many of the former Soviet Union countries joined, Asean and other groups of countries joined too and Russia was to a large extent left out in the cold. What's more something similar happened with China, even though China was in fact China also was a partner in WW2. So the 'truth' we are told is that the free world defeated Hitler. Oh and the Russians helped out too. When in actual fact, the truth is that it was a combined effort that defeated fascism.?
So with that consideration in mind when we look at the later part of last century the Korean War, The Vietnam war these being created by the West and East Tug-o-war. Integrated Strategy modelling in the Korea's, supported by the Russians on behalf of the Chinese too and the American's and Europe too. Plus the wisdom of the leadership of North Korea, South Korea and many Asian countries nurtured a win-win X 7.8 Billion people. That is not how the story is told, yet that's what occurred. So there needs to be an honest and truthful presentation of the events, the peace processes from 2017 onwards. This way the world can see and properly understand properly for the first time that Russia has been a friend to the world, when the world needed a friend the most. That is not in any way shape or form to reduce in any way the benefits that good US policy made, there were very good choices made by President Trump too. He was not though fully open in explaining his use of peace strategy documents that I wrote. That was not a good choice, as if there would have been this cited then peace making would have been a better represented issue in the media from 2017. That would have almost certainly created a different scenario than is being experinnced today.?
There have been excellent decisions made by President Biden also in the context of all of this too. However, the bringing out of Intergated Strategies in the press would be the best option as the good actions of many countries using these in the past for peace making would be known.?
So the reality is that superpowers and many other countries too have been on the side of peacemaking various times that did in fact save the world from a major war. This is not properly known and reported upon, therefore, the one essential issue that needs to be known of is being ignorred.?
That is something that has not been fully presented and explained and it should be. In fact, in my opinion it really needs to be. What has to be considered is that in the real world, not the world presented in the press journalists are calling President Putin very derocatory names. This is based upon the events of recent days and weeks, yet what is not?recognised is the fact that had President Putin not had a policy of changing and aligning Russia support to Intergated Strategies in 2017, then the modern world would have ended up in a global war.
?It was Russia and then the USA that aligned to Intergated Strategy Peace Roadmaps. However, President Trump wanted all the credit and the media went with that line of reasoning as the media itself was going with what it thought it's audience wanted to hear and in actual fact, not the real truth.?
So the world as we know it today, was saved, yes the modern world was saved by the policies of Russia in 2017 in the Korea's and then afterwards in Syria.?
Now getting this into balance here properly it's neither the country of Ukraine or the Ukrainian people that had any part or any say in the truth being incorrectly told and presented and yet what is happening to them today is hurtful to anyone with a social conscience. Ukraine as a country is effectively caught in the cross fire of a 'narrative conflict'.
The writing of Russia out of the history books for making good decisions in the past has caused this instability. If Russia had been known to have been the essential partner in the Korea's, Syria, Azerbaijan and Armenia and then in Afghanistan then there would not have been anything other than apprecition geo-politically for Russia from 2017 onwards. Yet what 'the world' gave Russia instead were no thank you's and just more pressure, more intimidation towards potentially being invaded itself.?
So what came first 'the chicken or the egg'? We will never know. Yet what can be known and what isn't known is that the peacemaking of Russia Internationally came a very long time before the current war.?
So charges of Nazism of Russia and Ukraine are a complicated issue, what is a simple aspect to this is to know that if Russia's opponent is Nazism then there is no possible better ally to Russia than President Zelensky if there is a viable peace process instigated. He is opposed to nazisim. So what is that optimal path to progress from here??
1. For Russia to order a ceasefire to leave in conjunction with the media explaining the full account of peace processes ofthe years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.?This way there is a narrative change Internationally that provides fully truthful and balanced media.?What role did Russia play? How did Russia help Nato, Turkey, Syria, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, the EU, Nato, Asean. This needs to be properly known, investigated and explored. From this then it's feasible to have a proper re-writing of history that shows and proves that Presidnet Putin has done alot for the whole world.?
2. The proper use of the Intergted Strategy peace Processes written for North Korea, Syria. There being a complete re-set in relations for Afghanistan and Iran. There being incentives created to help the Kurdish people settle in a reciprocal deal with countries that are underpopulated that also have land that can be climatically regenerated.?
5. Sanctions remain for countries outside of the people, planet win-win paradigm. Yet, those countries prepared to come on board of any politcal system are able too. There is no residual prejedice towards countries any more. relations are built upon the win-win people and planet ethos.?
6. Either all countries are welcomed into Nato including Russia and Ukraine or neither of them are. They are either both in or neither of them are in. If Ukraine is not in Nato then it takes up Neutral status and this is agreed two days after Russian troops leave Ukraine.
7. The ten million refugees from Ukraine able to safely return.?
8. The concept of crowd sourcing, crowd fundting, Ecoplaza used Internationally to provide a way to help rebuild what has been lost in Ukraine and to help other countries too, all countries recover from the wars of the early 21st Century. The worst war crime is not calling out all wars as a crime. Its always the people that suffer due to the limited capacities of leaders to be able to find ways to peace and stability.?
9. We from now see this as a world re-set. A way to nurture and create a world that works for all. Where there are special countries, like those that proportionately have suffered in war helped more and the countries with the most important biodiversity proportionately helped more. We live in a world where there is much more forgiveness in International policy for the policies of the past which were so frequently a failure of diplomacy by many.?A world where we are able to change and adapt to the needs of the future and today and a world that is more aligned to the needs of all,?a universal message of peace and stability rather than just to suit a few agendas.?
10. If those that hold?so many cards in the world, that are part of systems that habitually hold the rest of the world into hardship and suffering then that is not good enough. The healing of Ukraine after the war stops, is a vital part of the healing of the world and everybody should play a part in that. The essense of the concepts of the last century were of community, either the community of I or the community of many. To change the world today does not require that we all have the same and line up for pickled onions in the snow for five hours a day. Yet, what it does require is a greater sense of citizneship. A sense that we can help others and by doing so they can help us. That is an idea of collective survival in the context of the issues we have today. Every country and company, every individual can play a part. There is nothing forced, nor coherced. It's down to a sense of responsibility by people, by communities in the same way that getting over the pandemic has been too.?In recent years we have learned that people can and do care about the wellbeing of each other. This is ever more important in the world of today and tomorrow. These are what's termed 'Christian values' and yet they also play out in all of the great religions of the world. We put compassion in front of the century of the self. We make this the century of us and by looking out for the we, we look out for the me.?
11. Climate resilence via Integrated Strategies gain full media coverage so that Famine, Drought, Housing. are considered as important issues as they are, as there is a sense of responsibility for creating policies and practices that enable all people to have a better chance against the changing climate.?
Any population without food, water and housing is representative of the fact that in this century and with the conditions we are soon to endure that these issues will affect us all. The impacts of weather anormalities could render extensive areas uninhabitable. So now is the time to act, to insitigate systems that provide for food, water and shelter and by having this requirement in mind then there is the possibility that we will develop processes expediant enough to cover for the needs of most during the course of the next twenty to thirty years. 133 MPH winds in the Uk, are a threat to all aspects of civilisation, cities, all aspects of stability. There were never winds like this before, if we do not act now with the use of Integrated Strategies Internationally then the viability of cities themsleves comes into question for the first time?since people began living in cities.?
However, it's the least well off that are affected the most the soonest, yet unless there is for the first time correct action this will go on to affect?all. It's the same in every country and therefore we do need to nurture our abilities properly and fully to be able to both survive and yet prevent the worst implications of unchecked development. We do have to put to the forefront the interests of all. This is not left or right thinking of last century, this is common sense of this century with all factors considered.?
12. All traditions in all countries are essential to maintain and to celebrate and to be a part of. The International interest is not in any way in contrast to the national interests of any country. They are simply a viable way to better help the interests of the world we also protect the interests of all countries too. The reality is that no country is prepared and ready for the future affects of the weather and the climate we are already experiencing. Earthquakes are caused more so by melting sea ice. What that translates into is that there will be major losses most affecting the least well off people without better organisation, adption and mitigating.?So the answer, the best answer we have is to develop a mindset and practices of protecting our own countries and a part of that is protecting other countries and a part of that is in ensuring that there are real and genuine peace processes both of the recent past and today that are fully and properly reported properly in the press.?
It's only by full, honest and truthful media can the best answers in the world to war and climate become fully known and hopefully instigated and that is in the interest of all people on the planet today and in future, it's the actual source of stability for human civilisations as we have known them.?
We either all win the issue of war and climate together by being much better at peace and from that peace making better peace and climate answers together or we lose the peace and climate issue together. Even today there is a chance to peace if we want it, yet that peace can only be sustained if the climate issue is made a part of the peace process. We can get better at peace making via climate protection. We can get better at climate protection through peacemaking they are one in the same they are combined. In order to achieve this we simply need to be able to look at issues from a people and planet perspective some of the time in our lives and in the way countries and companies too run in the world.?
The entire concept of business is run on the fact of reducing risks, the only way to reduce risks is to acknolwedge that peace is essential as too is climate stability. The only real vested interest there is in the world if for the continuity of the world, that is in the interest of everyone and every being on the planet.?
I'm writing this to appeal?to the higher natures of leaders, of people. There is a way out of this war?that is possible and that is in the interests of all.
The implications of the war escillating cannot be imagined even from where we are yet the implications of effective peacemaking and representing fully and properly the peace making processes of the past can be together with a ceasefire thevery best way to ceasing the war and to be able to percieve that there have been good peace making actions by many countries in the past including by Russia and that explaining the full truth is a vital part of finding a way to progress from here and talk back a situation that otherwise can only lead to the demise of many good relations.
There is a battle of paradigms of thinking occuring one is old world thinking of win-lose the other win-win, the only way to get properly into the win-win is for there to be for the first time proper, full and correct media representation of Intergated Strategy peace processesand the work that is connected to them, this does enable an advancement of humanity to be able to occur and keep and maintain both peace and in such a rapidly changing world and to better meet the needs of people, planet and all that we share the world with much better than at any time?previously. This is not idealism, these are tried, tested and proven methods that first worked?in the UK to improve London's transport system, then were used as peacemaking processes to?help protect the world from major wars in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. The truth has not been fully known nor represented in any press anywhere in the world. The world is going into both a war and climate disaster and yet there is a way out of that, if only people would listen.?
These are guidelines and proposals. They are representative of the real need and not just the percieved needs of today, the near future and the medium term future.?
The peace process between Russia and Ukraine should be vast and expansive, incorporate the needs of many countries and by doing so does properly start to align the needs of the current world with the near future world.?
The narrative of today is one of desperation without answers, it's a desperate situation for both Ukrainins and for Russians. There is a way through this if leaders are prepared to use the new political science of Intergated Strategies to find a way through this situation for all.??
We all have a vested interest for bring back peace and all that is holding that back is the limited imagination, the narrow pre-planned media presentations that do not allow for the science of win-win to be fully and properly known. It's saved the world from war in the past, this can do the same now if only there are people that are fully determined for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to be known of the peace making processes of the past, how they worked then and how they can work today.?
The last effects of the centuries gone before that still have an effect today is the control of the media. The control of the narrative, the restricting of knowledge that can provide safety and stability for the entire world. The win-lose paradigm as a the main paradigm in the world cannot last very much longer, we have to evolve onto win-win or there will simply be avoidable chaos that affects each and every civilisation, each and every person. A truly competative world is taking us into a place where countries are competing for the fastest downfall of all. This is reversible, by looking geo-politically we can see that the resources and the capabilities, the unused resources of some country can be put together to be a benefit to the whole. Landscapes on a massive global scale restored turning desert into restored land that works economically for the local people and ecologically for the world. There are answers vast global answers, all that is missing from this is the narrative of how to do all of this presented and known.?
The media has not been on the side of a good future, they present only the problems and not the times that the biggest problems of our time have been answered through cooperation, the media themsleves are taking the world, and geo politics into a place of no chance and no hope unless they fully present and allow for the good work of many leaders to align to this paradigm of thinking that does potentially provide all with a good future. A win-win is possible for all, yet this has to be presented as to how. All science works viable the presentation of hypothesis, yet today the one hypothesis that can keep science going, is a political science hypothesis that really needs to be heard and fully discussed, debated and presented.?If not then it's a failure in human communication that will cause the loss of so much. There is a chance to peace, yet that begins with a ceasefire combined with full proper and true representation of Intergated Strategies what they have alsread done to help you in your life, and what they have already done for the world. That is the verybest path to the best possible future for all and to help calm tensions and to see that so many times in recent years leaders have together been on the same side and that side is the win-win for all, the peace and stability of the world we have today.?
The day that you had yesterday was a result of the peace processes of the distant past and the recent past being effective, to enable the peace processes of now to be effective begins by good leaders voicing the work of integrated strategies and the media exploring fully for the first time what these are and how they have and how they can continue to help protect and help all people and civilisations to adapt resourcefully to the changes happening in our world and the inevitable implicatons unless there is a better way instigated to answer the problems of today and the near future.?
There are in existance some one hundred documents that provide all the framework and content of how to answer and solve most of the biggest issues in the world today. Issues that require better answers for there tocontinue to be a relatively sane world where humans are in better control of the circumstance that this planet and the converging issues are creating. People cite over population as the problem, no the population of people can fit into some states in the USA, the world has the equivilent of an entire continent in terms of unused land or more, the limitation has been in the way land is used and leadership to create a system that generates enough win-win answers to help many and therefore to help all.?
Leadership recently at times has been the best it's been in recent years and yet today can be better than ever previously in meeting the needs of all if Intergated Strategies written are seen for waht they are as a?way to generate and keep peace and produce a good future by creating a proactive present in the full use of this political science method.??
There are global issues at stake, there is a global interest in a viable methodology and answer being instigated. This is possible by good and effective communication in the context of Intergated Strategy design, so that people can learn to use this new thinking methodology to find and obtain the answers to the issues in their own lives that they require answers for. With all factors considered, holding back full discussion on the previous use and the current need for Intergted Strategies is about as logical as banning people from eating food, stopping people from drinking water and making living in houses illegal, as it's only through the knowledge and use of these can we enable these basics to be protected for the medium to long term whilst maintaining and using a better way, the optimal way currently known only by a few in leadership positions in the world to bring about again, and create and maintain peace.?
The best way to begin a peace process, step 1 is to have an agreement that there will be the full presentation permitted in the media of the Intergated Strategy models and the leadership participants that have helped the world stay safe to date and that this is in conjuntion with a ceasefire and a withdrawl of troops from Ukraine. This is a way for the world to see for the first time clearly and properly the very best of leadership in recent years by many leaders in many countries and to see understand and to trust that this new emerging political science is the answer, the really huge answer that the world needs today to so many of it's problems and issues. The problems of the world seem to be so many and yet most of them are simply repeates or near repeates of other problems. By having integrated Strategies known and and used widely there are new ways found for all people to be able to help themselves better towards answering the issues in their lives, the people that this work helps the most to begin with are those that need the help the very most.?
There is nothing to worry about in terms of the instigation of this work, there is though so much to worry about without the effective instigation of this work. It's vital to believe that a win-win is possible, from there it's possible to talk back global relations to a more sensible place than us all going to bed each night and wondering if it's our last night in the world. Yes, President Zelinsky is correct there shoudl eb peace talks, and yes President Putin is right in wanting Russia to not feel pressured by Nato.?An organisation established to create stability and peace should not be allowed to create instability and a loss of peace, by changing the thinking in Nato so that win-win for all countries in terms of peace making as a new remit is a way to start to stop the pressures that have over the course of many years created the conditions of this war.?
We have to be robustly true to the facts, see the situation from many?perspectives and create a first step towards progress that can be agreed upon.?
This document has been written in haste, and there was not time for editing this. My work and my abilities and experience in terms of writing peace making documents in the past is an important talent that is required today. So I today have written five hours for peace making, that is what I do almost every day and have done since 2017. This work has helped provide answers out of wars.?
?The situation today requires peace makers that have tried, tested and proven abilities, not more arguement, more debate, the world is in a dark corridor and yet there is light at the end of the tunnel and that is through the better understanding and use of win-win in the thinking and in the language of diplomacy.
The non-public discolosure of Intergated Strategy work in the UK is the greatest of risks and yet through there full use on?continual basis then best way to bring back peace and a perminent solution to Europe and the world.?
This document does not provide the full picture of how an Integrated Strategy can work fully and effectively, for this there needs to be better representation of this geo-political mediation and diplomacy method. I should be participating directly in order to be able to have a more complete understanding of all positions and therefore more able to generate a better, more fully complete answer.
By being excluded from my work being properly known and represented creates a risk of failure to use the best answers that exist. My work covers all of the categories mentioned in the infographic and does so in a way that common sense win-win answers can be found and from that equilibrium. Equilibrium is not obtained by being selective in reasoning what has generated equilibrium in the past. Integrated Strategies are the answer, they are either the perceived answer before a crisis or after a crisis that was otherwise avoidable. They are the answer, these need to be either in the rooms of diplomacy or in the media, they are the best chance for lasting peacemaking and that's a requirement for all future plans.
From now the best option diplomatically by any leader is to mention Integrated Strategies as a viable answer to starting an effective pece process that helps many countries including Russia and Ukraine recover from a time where there has been trillions wasted on wars and not enough spent on peace and peace making. The greatest economic and societal risk in a lack of effective analysis given to the peace processes of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, by considering these again more fully there is then the potential means to find a way to an answer, a better answer than is currently perceived today. If there is not study of peace and peace making then there is a greater chance of war. ?Peace and peace process making is the most important and least programmed issue in the media today. ?The problem in the world is what does and does not get considered and discussed openly being seemingly everything other than what's required to keep the world functioning the best for the future and present, peace processes. Without effective peace processes there is nothing and the media should know that and represent that and do so hopefully before it's too late to be able to have peace processes that are effective and International maintained.