Integrated Soil Health and Fertility Management for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security
FineResults Research Services would like to invite you to take part in our upcoming workshops on Agriculture and Rural Development Courses at our FineResults Services training facilities in Nairobi, Kenya.
Event: Integrated Soil Health and Fertility Management for Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security
Venue: FineResults Research, Nairobi, Kenya Training Centre.
Event Date: 18/01/2021 to 22/01/2021
Contant us: [email protected] or contact us on (+254 759 285 295)
Healthy soils increase the capacity of crops to withstand weather variability, including short term extreme precipitation events and intra-seasonal drought. Following the rapid increase in population growth in the universe, wide spread land degradation through deforestation and pressure on limited pieces of land, soil health and management is vital in ensuring sustainable crops growth and enhancing food security and nutrition. This 5 days training course aim to guide participants on how to retain soil fertility, reduce land degradation and restore the soil productivity hence ensuring sustainable productivity of the soil.
5 days
- Agriculture Extension
- Policy makers
- Research organizations and non-government organizations among others for Agriculture support activities and other development programmes.
- Understand designing and implementing effective ISHFM programs
- Understand soil fertility concepts and factors that make a soil fertile and productive.
- Gain knowledge on how to identify soil nutrient problems and opportunities.
- Understand soil fertility enhancing strategies that maximize profits and agronomic use efficiency.
- Understand the methodologies and tools to assess suitability, economic feasibility, and impacts of ISHFM on agricultural production, soil fertility, and the environment.
- Understand how to promote ISHFM to farmers and other stakeholders.
Module 1:
Introduction to ISHFM and basic concepts
- Soil Fertility and soil health
- Physical, chemical and agronomic characteristics of soils
- Problem Soils (Saline, sodic, saline-sodic, and acid sulfate soils)
- Remedial measures and management techniques for selected problem soils
Module 2:
Soil Fertility Management
- Overview of nutrition and plant growth
- Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and corrective measures
- Organic and inorganic fertilizers
- Livestock integration
- Criteria for fertilizer recommendations
- Roles of organic matter and its maintenance
- Integrated plant nutrition systems
Module 3:
Soil Conservation
- Mechanics of soil erosion
- Soil erosivity and erodibility
- Maximizing on-farm recycling of nutrients
- Mechanical and biological measures for erosion control
- Tillage management
- Crop management practices
Module 4:
ISHFM Strategies to Maximize Profits and Agronomic Use Efficiency
- Reducing nutrient losses - blocking nutrient flows from leaving the farm
- Better management of available resources - managing internal flows of nutrients
- Improving the efficiency of nutrient uptake
- Economic considerations
- Computer-based decision support tools
Module 5:
Extension Techniques
- Overview of agricultural extension approaches
- Conceptual framework for agricultural extension campaign
- Extension program planning and implementation
- Farmer training
Non Agronomic Soil Components
- Support for rural credit systems
- Market-oriented institutional changes
- Improving linkages between research and extension support institutions
Visit our website for more details
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Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Services account through bank on or before C.O.B. 15th January 2021
Send proof of payment to [email protected]