Integrated Rapid Public Transport Networks
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Given that the fragmentation of service provision across public transport networks in Nepal is a major challenge to mobility and accessibility, the integration of various modes and services has been a prominent objective of public transport transformation. However, multimodal integration has proved to be challenging. The intention was to create rapid transit corridors, to serve as the public transport backbone.
Local governments were to be the drivers of development, and the public transport infrastructure department of transport management under Ministry of physical infrastructure and transportation was established to provide safe, reliable and easy transportation service to the public and goods carrier for developing transit services that would complement in certain areas if taken into development consideration. Though, in Nepal it is not yet practiced for such huge investments and development, but many studies were taken place in different cities of Nepal.
An important component of the strategy was the development of infrastructure for non-motorized transport feeder services and the densification along corridors. Nevertheless, the transportation management investments have provided an opportunity for cities to become more prominent role-players in the provision of public transport. The challenge ahead will be to ensure integration between various modes and to strengthen the alignment with urban growth.
Planning Emphasis on Corridor Development
Densification and mixed land use along transport corridors have been promoted in the majority of spatial development frameworks which are the spatial component of cities’ integrated development plans, the leading planning tools for municipalities. More recently, metropolitan municipalities should have to promote transit-oriented development as a way to achieve spatial restructuring.
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is an internationally popular term used to describe dense, mixed land use, pedestrian and cyclist priority precincts that are inextricably linked to public transport systems. However, to date, despite planning intentions, transit-oriented corridor development is limited. Although public transport-based access and mobility has improved over the past five years, private vehicle-based access still seems to be driving development processes and decision making, often working in direct contradiction to planning intent.
This article is an attempt to grapple with how cities can begin to build transit-oriented cities that capitalize on the access and mobility benefits provided by improved public transport systems. Building dense livable communities around public transport infrastructure enables greater portions of the population to access transport services and also makes public transport more financially sustainable.
The final version of article will be published "Development Pattern" (Design Guidelines). Thank you for reading the article. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Amit Pokhrel, (M.Sc. Urban Design and Conservation/ Bachelor in Civil Engineering)