Integrated Public Policy
Why an Integrated approach to Public Policy Matters to Economic Stability - Part 3
‘What will you do for North Swindon if elected as our Labour MP'.
This is the question put to me by the CLP, Labour Members, Labour Voters in 2018 when I stood as a shortlisted Parliamentary Candidate.
Conservative and Green voters asked the very same question.
Voters of all political colours know there is an opportunity and a great need for positive change. As a voter myself, my vote is based on values and is not tribal.
The argument, people sway in one political direction or another is debated heavily.
A vote can alter on one single matter if compelling enough otherwise, most voters care about the very same issues.
My pitch was outlined by the following statement and mission.
Together with the Community, Local Council, Health, Education and Business Community providers and services, Labour will be ambitious and committed to deliver social and economic change.
Based on these discussions I set about using the various points of research and feedback to come up with a set of policies that reflect local aspirations and national objectives.
The policy line-up was based on economic and social need, and where I found dysfunction was evident in delivering services.
Examples are:
Use of social housing budget that doesn't deliver asset ownership to the Council's overall use of budget and funds.
The Local Authority control of local Schools integrated education strategy as each Trust self manages and Actual Per Pupil Spend is down by 9%. Trust education delivery is fractured and not entirely fit for purpose to improve social mobility and national productivity. True in 2018 and true in 2024..
Pollution and cost of Transport is affecting social inclusion, local economy, and an added cost to health services.
Training and upskilling is impacted by lack of access - productivity, economic activity, social mobility and tax revenue are all affected.
Housing and hidden homelessness is a cause of stress, it impacts work productivity, health and social integration, collectively it undermines economic activity.
Local city planning - N Swindon city and town routes requires a full review.
Objective. To get the fundamentals in place.
Organising for the future and getting it right first time.
Delivering essential infrastructure needs in a timely and cost effective manner.
Best practice guidelines and could be shared with other planning groups locally and a case study for other planning authorities.
I produced several policy statements. Below is one set.
I devised an acronym that reflected my values as a prospective candidate.
Labour Manifesto. Fairness. Opportunity. Responsibility.
I work F.O.R. you!
My mission is to work hard on making North Swindon one of the most eco and ‘smart’ areas to live and work in.
What will I do for North?Swindon if elected as Labour MP.
Together with the Community, Local Council, Health, Education and Business Community providers and services.
We will be ambitious for and committed to deliver.
? Services and employment options for North Swindon to create an environment for strong performing economic and socially progressive community.
? Affordable housing developments that are asset owned by the Council for the benefit and longevity of N Swindon and local Community using Eco and Energy efficient models.
? Address as a matter of urgency hidden homelessness and emergency provision. NB. On this area I found £3m was spent on emergency housing via private landlord arrangement every year, adding this over 3 years, that is £9 million spent which could have built houses and revenue made.
I set about and conducted some research and subsequently found a method of emergency house building that was re-usable and very cost effective with a working life span of 30 years.
1. It could be re-used to reduce use of council expenditure unnecessarily, providing dignity, privacy and affordable living.
2. An alternative option on emergency housing policy that would provide breathing space until more permanent eco housing was built to last.
3. Housing asset owned by the council to re-use, stable assets on its public books and a source of revenue going forward.
? Seeking out and developing, innovative concepts with proven benefits to develop clean and affordable to all for work and play all forms of transport to support education, healthier living, areas for access to live in and work.
? To influence legal statute using a F.O.R. framework based on practicality and based on ethical Legislation that affects, Employment law, Business Law, Tax Laws, Environmental Laws, Social and Health legislation, Education, and Trading practices.
? Review, scale back and measure impact of current Govt’s Outsourcing strategy.
Footnote. The use of Audit teams into all areas of Public use of Funds that measures in more granular detail, value, delivery, slippage and Govt owned asset impact prior to sign off with alternative options to ensure better measurements on decision processes.
? Implement Services that provide Wellbeing and Social responsibility to a much higher standard making better and more use of preventative planning measures.
? Attract and support ‘good’ Independent, Innovative, Traditional, and Creative Businesses to co-exist and compliment, diverse employment opportunities for more highly skilled employment options and career choices.
? Centres of Excellence for Training and Education for higher skills suited to older and younger students alike building education models to a ‘gold standard’ that can be repurposed to other local education authorities, business communities and strategy organisational bodies. Note. Economic argument is there to make such training free.
? Reduce the Academy System from Education and put Schools back into Council oversight and frameworks where possible. There is no business or educational case to use an Academy system. It has not provided any tangible benefit to education and LEA have less control over local education provision to meet social and economic objectives.
These policies collectively, impact on each other. Integrated strategies are beneficial to deeper understanding in impact assessments, standards, planning, budgeting, project execution and outcomes.
Footnote on 2019 - Eco Policy
On eco policy - In 2019 I produced this proposal for a local satellite town near to where I live.
The terms were based on research I conducted through speaking to voters there from all political groups. The objective was grounded in an integrated Policy approach that could be reasonably delivered and viewed as important to the community.
Policy would be subject to passing and agreement at Council Cabinet and meeting level.
*Eco efficient house building to include, grey water facilities.
*Water /energy/waste initiative for cheaper and alternative sources of energy. Some thoughts on how to deliver this... An integrated approach to tie up with energy efficient buildings.
*Road services/narrow pavement/road section dedicated to services (cables/electric) so it does not disrupt pavement and access thereby reducing a build up of traffic and disruption to be phased in or made as new streets are developed. A hot spot problem for many..
*Energy charge points and incentives for business to adopt electric vehicles as they phase out and replace with existing or new additional transport vehicles and cold storage.
*Commercial sponsorship of upgradeable charge points to ensure energy transport is maintained and kept up to date as technology develops.
*Water fountains and companies that volunteer their water services for free top ups thus reducing plastic bottle usage.
*More cycle lanes. For every £1 spent, it saves/creates £8 -
*Buses/electric and/or LPG conversions on existing buses which are inexpensive.
*Subsidised buses - essential to health/economy/social/energy.
*Ban diesel and use LPG if a good alternative to fuel.
* Work with local suppliers/universities and food production/technology co's in food on removing plastics.
Joan Liley