An Integrated plan for talks between Russia and Ukraine (Part 2)
President Zelinsky has called for 'honesty' in peace processes and negotiations. There can only be honestly in these negotiations if there is 'honestly' in these negotitions if there is 'honesty' in terms of past negotiations and that there simply isn't.?
?Korea's, Syria, Iran, India and Pakistan.?
These situations all had peace roadmap strategies written. These were sent to the White House and were also published open source on LinkedIn under my articles.?These Integrated Strategy models used a new form of political reasoning, analysis and strategic thinking in terms of peace process writing that provided a way to prevent?war, exit a war and to avoid a war.?They were written from the perspective of 'geo-political relations' ie the perspective of all countries involved in the crisis situation and an 'everyone in the world' perspective rather than from the perspective of one country alone involved in the situation.?
The advantage of this is that there is new information that can be percieved and appreciated, there can be better analysis this way also of the potential implications for all if anything other than the best decisions are made, so therefore, Intergated Strategies help provide decision makers with non-biased broader optinion. Whilst this of course they can critique, agree or disagree with it's proven helpful to at least have these other perspectives. Someone in a highly paid well positioned job tends to go on the side of agreement rather than true objectivity when being asked their views on a given situation. For example if a leader cited that x country could be invaded due to the fact they have w,x,y,z mineralsand resources, most people in high up positions would not then say, yes however the implications of that could be a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v and that that would be an incredibly high cost to pay for w,x,y and z. So as a general rule, people in good jobs want to keep their jobs. Employers, and leaders geenrally much prefer people to agree with them. However, reality is complicated and the implications of the non exiact interpretation of what could be does frequently provide the means to many significant or very significant miscalculations. So Integrated Strategies are written from the perspective of seeking to avoid implications that through the usual thinking processes may otherwise not readily be percieved. These insights can be the difference that makes the difference to everything if left unconsidered. So Intergated Strategies provide foreseight that helps prevent the need of hindseight later.?
Hillary Clinton soon after spoke publicly to Boris Johnson citing that there should be the review of 'The Integrity Initiative' ie the policy that has been preventing there being full knowledge of peace processes and the use of my'Intergated Strategy writing.?
From one week before the current sitution began of the invasion of Ukraine the following countries have used the word 'Integrity' France, China, Ukraine and Russia too. Why? A peace?process that could potentially answer the issues of many countries in the world and climate change too and refugees, and drought, so many global issues and problems in the UK is being not used properly and fully questioned, considered and therefore utilised, so the implications of not using fully and properly this work are almost unimaginably vast in scale.?
The reason that there is not 'honesty' is due to Boris Johnson's government of the Uk not acknowledging the use of 'Intergated Strategy' peace roadmp documents used as a way, means and methodology to bring peace.
Look at the 100 prams in Ukraine and please realise that yes this has been caused by a war that there are answers too.?
If this had not been the same if there had been even one single media article anywhere on Intergated Strategies and what they are and how they have helped leaders percieve ways to peace in the past and yet are not being heard and known. Then there would have been a more broader and intelligent discussion in recent years on peacekeeping.?
It's the non public disclosure of peace strategy work that is causing a misrepresentation of peace processes from 2017 until today on?global level and this is preventing a truly 'honest' peace process, an effective peace process from being openly considered, discussed, instigated. It's the non disclosure and discussion about this is the press that had caused on a day to day basis a clearly evident misinterpretation of the intentions of President Putin. He actually angled and directed his foreign policy in the years of 2017,2018, 2019,2020,2021 towards helping keep world order, when at that time Western allied countries were pulling out of various wars. Going into a war is easier than pulling out of a war, yet the political, echo-chamber interpretation did not present events how they really were at all. They presented each situation from a perspecive that suitedpre-arranged agendas and those were that Russia was not a friend to the world, yet when in fact it had been.??
So the best way to start a fully honest peace process begins with being completely honest about the peace processes of the past from 2017 onwards, when going back to there it's possible to properly see how various countries have in the past used my Integrated Strategy Roadmap documents in the recent past including The EU, Russia and USA, China, North Korea, South Korea, Turkey, Israel, The Philippines, Brazil etc.?
In going through peace processes doing so with complete determination and surgical precision to knowing fully whaich country did what, when and how and how that helped keep balance in the world. By doing so The USA yet also Russia and China together with many other countries are seen to have done alot for all.?
?I have got no idea why there is not honesty in peace making processes, the implications of this are preventing there being the fastest and the most effective potential end to this war firstly, secondly this is preventing there being known and utilised in the fastest and most expedient time a much more effective and viable answer to a massive range of issues.?
Please connect on LinkedIn and see that my Integrated Strategy work has answered and solved more International problems and issues than any other author.?
Intergated Strategies and what they have lready done to keep world peace and what they can potentially do in future is vast. In my opinion, it's the deciding factor as to whether or not humanity is capable, ready and able to answer or not the development needs for the rest of this century and yet maintain balance in the natural world.
?The implications of Intergted Strategies not being fully known and disclosed are so vast that I believe under this years conditions of 133 MPH winds and millions of tonnes of ice melting by the day, forests being destroyed for cheap products when there are ecological alternatives that can be actioned on an international, a global scale. The holding back of Intergated Strategy work in the world is causing more issues, more problems and less hope of anyone on this planet having a good future within the living conditions of the Earth.?
So returning to the Ukraine situation, what is going on there is more complicated by far than is presented in the press. There is a big, big secret in terms of Peacemaking that is not being fully publicly presented and disclosed. The UK is not embracing and using this new tested and proven methodology that much of the rest of the world at one time or another since 2017 have been using and on board with and it's actually only the use of this work that has prevented there being a major war in the years of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. So its not an exageration to say that the world of today has been on a life support machine and that one of the most essential components in keeping everything in balance has been this work.?
The Pope cited the fact that a war in the Korea's posed a threat to half the worlds population. The first country to publicly acknowledge a viable answer to this was Russia and China and then it was used by President Trump together with the same method many times whilst he was in office.?
This is not a Conservative or Republican, a Democrat. Liberal or Labour concept. In the same way that a computer is not. Yet, like a computer Integrated Strategies help improve all politics.?
Yet, in some cases, Intergated Strategies have been proven to answer and generate methodologies that no computer in the world was able to do.
?Yes, people using Integrated Strategy modeling to answer and solve problems in the world can out compute computers at trying to do the same task, yet if they were used synergistically then so much would be possible that is not possible today in terms of generating more options, more content, more answers at the pace required to?answer so many of the worlds problems in improved more effecient and more viable ways. Imagine any company, any organsation wanting to do any new process being able to access?in order the most ecologically viable and best options. Not only that have links to funders that are ecologically aligned too. The use of Intergted Strategies fully enbles the entire world to partner with a methodology that helps all countries all people be able to align and to use a process that does indeed save civilisation by saving the global ecology, this does in process indeed stop major conflicts and wars.?
Intergrated Strategies have been used to keep the modern world going in recent years just enough, until recently, yet they have never been allowed to achieve their full potential and the reason is that there is a 20th century mindset at play that is based upon a 19th and 18th century paradigm and that is that the only way to have?control in the world is to to have division, divide and rule, good and bad, left and right, red and blue, Tom and Jerry.?
This thinking is totally the opposite to how things really are, the need to be able to have wholeness, a middle ground, a human system that is synergistic with the components within that system enough to be able to continue to have good reasoning and so resourcefulness amid these times of such global need is what's really required. These Integrated Strategy documents, provide the rodmap of how to answer and solve incrimental issues, yet much more than that together they present a way forward for man after so many years of neglect of our vital living resource, the Earth these Intergated Strategies provide a way to bring the world back into ecological balance at the pace and on the scale evidently required. It's the collonial type thinking of the past that is functioning, that is not only getting in the way of an answer to having an answer to various wars, by not wanting to acknolwedge and really understand and therefore properly interpret the methodology that was used previously. It's an information issue that is keeping the world held back from answering so many issues. it's the practice in The House of Commons of not being able to call a lie a lie that has caused the biggest lie in the histroy of the UK to become a lie that unless answered jeopardises the future of the world and that obviously includes the UK.?
The method of watching films that was the best was video recorders, then computers arrived. The best method and most viable practice for answering and solving wars was discussions between governments of countries, that was until Integrated Strategies arrived and began to generate answers more effectively from a geo-political stance combined with the thinking of countries. If there is to be an effective answer for the Ukraine and Russia situation then there has to be an Honest, a truly honest peace process and how that is possible is down to Boris Johnson's government. Yes, humiliating as it is I'm begging them to finally after 32 years of failed communications and ineffective instigtion by a succession of various governments of both Labour and Conservative and Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition to simply tell the truth. Therefore, to allow for a truly honest peace process to be possible for there to be effective peace making between Russia and Ukraine. Every minute there is delay in not being fully, open and honest about Intergated Strategies, there is?worsening situation for the entire world.??
Intergrated Strategies are a conceptual methodology, an advance in thinking and cognition that is the level of cognitive advancement that the entire world needs. The dummed down approach to seeking to answer and solve world issues is just not viable anymore. The bestthinking in the world in the context of creating a viable future has to be brought back to the present and used properly and fully to be able to create a good or even a viable future.?
Whilst the University level issue of wars and climate are getting child like levels of logic only heard and presented in the worlds media and represented in politics, that is a massive miscalculation and causing on?day to day basis a blunder of unimaginably vast proportions.?
?Integrated Strategy roadmaps are not something that politicians should supress, these are a human concept, a way for all sides of all geo-political and political issues to be able to find agreement in new ways that is derived from this new practical new political science methodology. This is the very advancement the world needs today, yet some in politics are just entrained in their regressive thinking of?bygone era to be able to fully understdn the implications of not using this work fully, properly and correctly. Keeping the full attention of The House of Commons entrained on the problems that are most created in the first place by the House of Commons not using this work properly. An Honest Peace Process for Ukraine and Russia requires starting with a conversation in the House of Commons on the use and the incorrect use of Intergated Strategy peace Roadmap work of the past.??
The reality of Uk politcs is that since 2004 politicians in The House of Commons have been taking and using the work of Intergated Strategies and trying to copy the work and make that into policy. This began with the speach made by Tony Blair of The Green Industrial Revolution, The thrid Industrial Revolution speach, which was again repeted recently by Boris Johnson, from that moment on there has been a use and distrotion of original political strategy work that they were too ignorant to even properly fully understand. It was like they were using what could be considered the best in political strategy work yet in a non effective way. A way worked for the status quo, yet only in a world that was not rapidly changing due the effects of climate. They simply could not get that in orderto preserve anything like the status quo of today actually requires rapid innovation and imporovements within Interantional politics particularly as that effects and influences all national politics in one way or another. So whilst President Trump saw the benefit of this work in order to help answer Interantionl issues many years later, a succession of Prime Ministers simply did not realise the implications of what they were doing. The implictions have got more and more concerning and are affecting International politics more and more. Mostly in a very good way in preventing wars, yet now the implications are much more significant, world changing if there is not a policy change in the Uk to properly and fully understnd, use and benefit on a win-win basis for all from the unique and so much required knowledge and wisdom that this vst hypothesis has generated and provides for the world and the UK.?
The issues between Russia and Ukraine are only one part of a much broader issue. That is the 'working formula' of many countries to be able to meet the massive changenges of the future. A 32 year journey of simply trying to obtain full, complete and honest press on Intergated Strtegies is wasting time, effort, energy, resources, money and ruining all hope of the world being able to have a good future.?The truth will set us free, yet only if the truth is allowed to be heard, if it's not then there is an underlying 'honesty' crisis that is jeopardising the future of everyone on this planet, yet mostly without them realising this.?
The issues between Russia and Ukraine are complicted, and yet when my work, my skills are used and represented properly and fully then the answers for how to bring about a peaceful resolve are very likly possible. Russia has endorsed a British origin peace making process in bringing peace to the Korea's that some governments seemingly refused to admit even exists. Well it does and the evidence is in my articles published on LinkedIn, it's also evident in the thinking and the mindset of wise Interantional leaders. So yes, there does need to be an 'honest peace process' that is only possible if there is the truth allowed to be known from all the peace processes of recent years known fully. Then the same method can be used and applied again to the benefit and advantge of all.?
“Negotiations on peace, on security for us, for Ukraine - meaningful, fair and without delay - are the only chance for Russia to reduce the damage from its own mistakes.” President Zelinsky.?
To consider and look at all the most complicated issues that they have and from there to be able to have a more viable workable series of answers and possibilities availableis feasible. This is a type of 'thinking science' that makes thinking more intellegent, more capable of answering the issues and the problems of the world on the level that all people have today and yet this is being held back by the non full use of Integrated Strategies. When will this policy 'the integrity initiative' policy invented by Tony Blair, be seen to be what it actually is a methodology and process of how there really?is a way to create a win-win scenarios to answer to solve this. The best course of action required today is nothing less than the action required before to find a way out of conflict and that is by the use of Intergated Strategies. A part of the process of finding an answer to any war requires assessment of previous wars and how they were either avoided or not. There is a common trait though that all wars have in common and that is they end with a written agreement, that is known and acknolwedged, what's not known and acknowledged is that they hve been and cn be avoided before they happen also by a written document, An Integrated Strategy. To use that method whilst there is a conflict occuring and to help provide new consideration nd thinking did happen once before in the situation that was emerging with India and Pakistan, yet to be able to find a way to use the same method once again in a conflict that has gone so far already requires support, help endorsement of the method. So whilst there has been a copying of ideas by Prime Ministers in the UK from this work in the past, that is one issue, that is not such a major issue to anyone else other than myself, yet the full use of the peace work now is an issue of the greatest importance for all.?
The Narrative, the Story of Ukraine is a paradoxical quagmire that revisits Vietnam in some ways and the end of WW1 in another way.?
The Vietnam war was caused by the conflicting narrative of the West and East and the 'tug-o-war' push and pull of West and East playing out in Asia. The same dynamic had played out in the Korea's. Both of these wars occured due to the fact that the agreement between Stalin, Rosevelt, Stalin had not been complicated enough. Whilst it had been complicated?enough to redefine the map of Europe and create the Iron curtain, it had not been complicated enough to create an answer to isssues that would then play out in Asia.
Whilst Kim Jong Un's grandfather had defended North Korea against the Axis, Kim Jong Un's Father the West. The next generation of Kim saved the world with a win-win peace agreement that prevented a war in 2017.?
Kim Jong Un and President Moon had proven for the first time that the 20th Century East West Power pull game could be overcome through a cultural dialogue. A cultural dialogue, a combined cultural event as a way to leverage enough positive feelings on both sides to begin to open the doors to talks,?
Anyone that believes this conflict began two weeks ago, needs to watch the Oliver Stone film Ukraine on Fire and then return to this document. There is such a West and East power play thing that's gone on. The underlying issues in the country for generations applified byexternal interference. Interfeerence that has on one hand stoked tensions within the country, yet on the other hand the control of the narrative in terms of peace making. President Putin has helped balance world politics, helped end wars, helped negotiate peace and stability after wars, helped calm tensions find answers to situations. North Korea, Syria, India and Pakistan, Venezula all of these were calmed due to the geopositioning of Russia. Due to the peace making efforts of Russia. Yet, there has been another narrative playing out that Russia was 'a threat' to the West. There have been tit for tat actions that occured, like the Malaysian Airlines Plane that was shot down, yet whilst the Russians were blamed the findings were of a Missile that was no longer in use by Russia and so whilst there has been a continuous call that there could be a Russian Fals Flag Operation in Ukraine to justify an invasion, there had been a plane shot down that could have been a false flag already by another side in this. However, even if that was the case President Zelensky was not the leader of Ukraine then and as events have played out since it's clear that there needs to be a re-positioning on everything in order to be able to bring about peace again to the location of Ukraine.?
The regime change agenda or Integrated Strategy Agenda.
The agenda for regime change effectively created and perpetuated the wars of the early 21st century, however these were rivalled by Integrated Strategy Models that answered and solved wars where if they had not been used, then we would have been in a situation such as this or worse before. So?the neocon agenda of regime change from one country to another got stalled and stopped during the time of President Trump, however there is a pardox here as some of the people closest to President Trump were also a part of that effort calling for regime changes in countries.?
Opposites can play out and whilst there is a democrat leader President Bidn in the White House, there are still the influences of having to 'contain Russia' that have been filling up the media ever since. Yet, the reality?is that the world is so muchmore fragile geopolitically that these echo-chamber politicians and media present and create that the bold brash statements made about leaders of countries which are always reductionist, never telling the full truth in terms of peace making are presenting the world, other countries and leaders always as glass half empty rather than glass half full people.?
Divide and Rule has got to fall.
Every country in the world that you visit is actally much different to the country you imagine it to be before visiting. This is my conclussion after travelling to many countries. There are cliches, perceptions and misdirected perceptions in every case, in every country to the percpetions of people that have not been there before themselves. The narratives on each?country do not show a complete perspective, in order to really understand any one country requires more than a lifetime, so weget at best a few accurate and inaccurate snapshots before we go there and then a far more deeper understanding and appreciation once we have been there and yet even that is a limited picture of what is in reality the country in actual fact.?
From a geo-political perspective reductionst percpetions of a people and a country can squew percpetions, whats more there can then be Left and Right agendas that are presented in order to most appeal to the domestic audience within the media. Therefore, you can have a country the size of a continent that is only seen in a very limited way at the best of times. The Russia, think Putin. Add to that the under appreciation and representation of all the subtle differences in the country and we get a very?diluted percpetion of anywhere. Yet, what's also not mentioned is that any country, any people in the world do share on characteristic, they want to feel safe in the towns, villages, and cities that they live.
People have lived in villages and settlements for what is now know to be millions of years. For these millions of years they have been in extended family groups and community groups known as tribes. Then in relativly recent history these groups bagan to form countries. The oldest of places to become countries are Egypt which is?6000 BCE, before the Christian Era. India 3300 BCE, Afghanistan 3000 BCE, China 2070 BCE?Ethiopia 980 BCE, Greece 800 BCE, Japan BCE. All other countries are much newer. The area of Ukraine was inhabited from 32,000 BC. Whilst the region was inhabited by the Kievan Rus, Rus being the people originally from Scandanavia with a mix of Mongols and Tartars. The area of Ukraine since the 1700's always having the push and pull of the East and West, North and South, like so many countries, a country that is effectively sandwiched between two different philosphies, yet each of these changing and evolving through time. The Communist model changed in the 80's and 90's, in the 00's and the 10's becoming more Western and yet the West model also changed along the same timeline more out of the Edward Bernay's consumer human happiness machine paradigm more towards a paradigm that's more in alignment with a more collective perception as seen in the emergence of social enterprise even today in Fortune 500 companies.?
Whilst the Russia of the 2020's is not the same as the Russia of the 80's the change is as evident to in London, Washngton and Beijing. The East to a signficant extent took on board more Western thinking, whilst the West took on more Eastern thinking. The gradual shifts towards a middle ground could hve been the ideal meeting place for where humanity needed to be. Namely in aplace?of greater acceptance of each other and yet there has?been a decades and centuries old mindset thathas also perpetuated?in each side and that is of territory. Yet, even the reasoning for this has changed completely as to why throughout the ages. Whilst the war of the Second world war was created to gain territory by Germany for conquest, thewar in Ukraine has been more perpetuated by the concern of a loss of territory, control and power by Russia with troops near?andon borders and the potential move of Ukraine trying to obtain membership of Nato.?
Whilst this is perceived as a defensive position by Kiev it's seen as a provocation by Russia as Ukraine is the second largest European country after Russia and membership of Ukraine into Nato would put Nato forces onto the border of much of Russia and that in the mind of Russia is a threat to the country.??
whilst the breakup of the USSR??
however it's only been Ukraine as an Indipendent country from 1991,?
Having a 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century filter to every??
?In terms of the circumstances??
Assessment of that film, key events cited.
It's that narrative that created this war, in a way the same as WW2 as it was cited in Downing Street that the unfairness of the deal made to Germany after the first world war would cause bad sentiment in Germany that then led to the 'searching of the reason'.
?The crux of the matter is Ukraine, but not the Ukrainian people, as there are different types of Ukrainin people. There are those that are more aligned with Russia and those more aligned with the West. There are those also that are Nationalist and those that want to break away. Whilst it's been like that for a long time, the narrative that?
Russia wants stability and security that can only be obtained by knowing there is a new narrative. At the moment the apparent wisdom of the world is to try and cause as much economic harm to Russia, yet that is more likely to created desperation rather than a 'we can find a way through this' frame of mind.?
There is another reason behind the war in Ukraine that is not being even considered in any press.?
It's the misreprsentation of the foreign policy of?Russia in the press since 2017, combined with the misrepresentation of the best climate change strategy work since the 1990's that has caused President Putin to go from being one of the most effective peacemakers in the world to losing his temper over border issues that has now resulted in the invasion of Ukraine.?
The reason for the misrepresentation of the foreign policy of both Russia and China starts in the UK and yet also other countries too, nowhere has explained fully everything.?
The cause is the policy strted by Tony Blair called The Integrity Initiative.?
I have been trying to warn people for a very long time about a policy in the UK that is causing global chaos in both terms of climate and now in terms of peacemaking.?
All global politics, all economies, all societies, everything is being affected by this, and either the Integrity Initiative stops as Hillary Clinton stated to Boris Johnson or there is no reason any more to even have hope in the future. Bette rto accept that the issues that affected us all, we just could not find a way to agreement and action.?
Ukraine is one symptom of that, so too is the famine in North Korea and Afghnaistan, so too is the lack of progress in peace processes in Iran and the rebuilding of Iraq and Syria. The refugee situation worldwide on the scale it's at the result of 'The Integrity Initiative'.?
The protestors on the streets world wide against a war that was caused by nobody listening to the answer for world wide development and the only real and legitimate path forward for man on a planet that is collapsing ecologically. The people that did first listen with President Putin and President Xi, however, the Western politicians and their echo chamber media refussed to listen and take on board the most important information since the second world war. All the politicans did was take, use and change the information, abuse the author, verbally and through blackmail and publicly mock the author, whilst sowing the seeds for global chaos and the greatest loses in UK dimocracy in the process.?
Let me make this clear I'm so opposed to wars that I have worked full time preventing wars since 2017, and had more success at this than any author in history in finding and defining peace preocesses, however the Uk politically class and racism based government prevents there being any mention in the press of this work, even though its kept everyone of theose politicans and media barons in business.??
President Putin and President XI were the first to use Integrated Strategies that I write in order to prevent a war in Asia that would have collapsed in twenty four hours if started the world economy. In other words every penny that you have earned or spent since 2017 was the result and the result only of my work. My peace strategy work. President Putin and President XI respected this work and used this work to bring calm to the situation in the Korea's. Yet the deluded incompetant idioltic Western politicans and press did not allow for the truth to be known. They put their own egos before the health and welfare of the entire human race. What's more the same happened again in Syria. When the USA were leaving Syria with the allies and nobody seemed to care about the fate of either the Kurdish allies to the West, it was actually Vice President Pence and President Putin that were the only two to intervene and through last minute negotiations prevent Turkey, Syria and Israel comin ginto contact on the ballefield. Had that occured then all European countries would ahve neede dto have chose between Turkey and Israel. Who would they have supported? Whoever thy did would have been in opostion to the other and that would therefore, have completely divided up Nato. President Putin through his interviention in Syria saved nato. The organisation would not exist and certainly would not have been effective had it not been for President Putin negotiating and offering to position his own army between the two sides that otherwise were less than one day away from meeting.?
A refugee crisis in Europe, had Europe sided with Israel rther than Turkey there would have been an end to the EU, had the EU sided with Turkey over Israel that would likly hve put the EU and the USA at odds with each other. It was Putin and Putin alone that prevented that geo-politically impossible scenario from occuring. How did the USA, UK, EU thank President Putin for saving those countries from such a geo-political quagmire as that? They did not say thank you firstly, secondly they focussed just on Trump, thirdly they continued their court case to find Russian meddling in the US election which they did not find ans that had been invented and disproved. Instead what they did was do more exercises near the borders of Russia in Alaska. The request of President Yeltsin to join Nato had been ignored and yet they simply added more and more pressure on the border and continued this line of having to 'contain the Russian threat'. When the truth is that by purposefully misrepresenting peace processes and having a program of continual pressure put onto Russia, they in fact caused Russia to react. SO let me just recap, Happy Christmas, did you say that in 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021? The only reason you were able to say that is due to the fact that world peace had been maintianed, world diplomacy maintianed and that was due specifically to not the reasons cited in the press and in politics but due to the fact that Russia had covered for the West as it went into wars for reasons unjustifyed and then left wars creating geo-political scenarios that just caused more problems like in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. In the context of the first and the last, it was Russia that then stabalised the situation and yet rather than being thanked there were simply more and more sanctions, more and more rhetoric that has been anti Russian for years. No country has had more negative rhetoric than Russia geo-politically and yet no country geo-politically has done as much to prevent and stop wars and bring stability to the whole world. Last war in Europe? stopped nby Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Last major war in the Middle East stopped by Russia in Syria, last potential war in South America in Venezulala, stopped by Russia, Last major war in the far East, North and South Korea stopped by a combined effort of the USA, Russia and China. Yet it was Russia, in fact Sergie Lavrov who was the first to explain that Russia's postion was aligned with the peaceprocess work I had written. I quote, 'The Intergrated Plan for talks is evidently the best way to progress for North nd SOuth Korea and even some people in Washngton agree.' Well all the Western media did was claim that everything was down to a love in between President Trump and Cahirman Un. the reductionst twaddle in all the media was absurd yet believed by all. The real truth that there had been a peaceroadmap written indipendently by a half British and Irish national living in Spain at the time, ie myself was not even considered relevent.?
So there was a non government entity, a person, an individual me, that wrote a plan of how to stop a massive global war that the entire strategic teams during the course of 11 previous Presidencies had been unable to find an answer too. President Obama cited that this would be the greatest challenge of the Trump Presidency as that situation was comong to a head from the 1950's until 2017 and yet nobody had an answer of how to stop the potential war, Theresa May was in the process of sending aircraft carriers.?
Whilst today the UK national papers do the flag waving the are not prepared to do the finger waving to the corruption, the lies and the deceipt in much of Western politics and their uninvestigtive media reporting that creted a situation where Russia has been helping the world and yet has been continuously bullied by the press and politicans.?
Nato and even the United Nations, where would that be had there not been an answer for the Korea's, for Syria. Which side in Syria would the UN nations have gone on Turkey, Israel or Syria? Yet, all that has been occuring is a one way narrtive since the days of President Clinton that Russia was a coutry that had to be contained and controlled rather than treated fully as a partner in a geo-political context.?
I believe that the war in Ukraine is the result of two contrasting paradigms of thinking that does not only involve Ukraine, yet in actual fact involves the entire ‘management methodology’ encompassing all world diplomatic relations.?
Before I go further let me state in no uncertain terms that I’m completely opposed to wars and that the killing of innocent civilians due to geo-political failings of governments in terms of their ability and capacity to be truly honest with each other and negotiate for the best interests of all their people is wrong.?
Before, I go on further I have to say that the Ukrainian people and the Russian soldiers are suffering the most from this war and yet there is a massive global anxiety in the context of all aspects of this. In terms of economics companies and countries are in many cases prepared to drive their own economies into what looks like a soon to be place of recession just due to the implications of sanctioning the largest country by landmass in the world. There are representatives at the United Nations prepared and willing to walk out of the conference without listing to Sergei Lavrov, out of principle. And yet, amid all of that, there is a much bigger geo-political ‘game’ as President Trump called it playing out in the world. A ‘game’ that only a very few comprehend or even understand is even being played. A ‘game’ that has seen some of the very best geo-political choices and decisions made by many world leaders consistently through the years of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and for the first weeks of 2022.
The decisions made resulted in the maintaining of the world’s economy. To be specific here lets. go back to ‘The Table’. The oversized White or Brown table that President Putin sits at? Or the ‘The Table’ that President Trump referred to when he said; ‘I will look at all options on the table’ when he was choosing the best option in the context of the issues between North, South Korea and the West and the East? I refer to both as they are both interconnected. Do I refer here to the ‘you are not listening’ statement made before the talks of Russian Ministers, with a background of industrial machinery that had ground to a halt? Or do I refer to the statement made by President Putin and Macron that referred to ‘Integrity’? Or do I relate another dot not linked being that of China’s use of the word ‘Integrity’. And do I refer to the abstaining of China in the vote at the United Nations. And do I refer to the term soil, Earth being used in the days before the invasion? And do I refer to China’s wish for a Universal answer to peace? And do I refer to President Bolsonaro’s joint press conference with President Putin before Russia went into The Ukraine. Whilst Russia is linked to Brazil through Brics, the choice of meeting the Brazilian President may have seemed a little strange to the casual outside thinker, yet it’s not. The reason is that there is a very clear rainforest link to all the above when fully and properly considered. However, before going there lets just add in another link and connection to this, this being The State of Union Speech made by President Obama at the time of the signing of the Paris Climate Accord. President Obama made the statement, words to the effect that ‘those that don’t believe in climate change are flat earthers,’ He made that statement with a slight smile, what was really going on in his mind at the time? Well, the ‘flexible Paris agreement’ obtained at COP21 took a very different format to the ways in which world leaders and the worlds top scientists had been trying to obtain agreement in terms of what to do about Climate Change since COP1 conference and before. There had been continual failures in reaching an agreement between countries. What occurred with the obtaining of The Paris Climate Accord was there was another methodology that had been taken by all, and that had at least got all the countries onto the same side. The format of that agreement was based upon the accompanying notes to a film that was handed out at COP15 in Copenhagen by myself in 2009 called Ecoplaza Paradise Oasis. (Vimeo).?So it was Plan B that did in the end actually succeed in enabling the world to reach agreement on Climate Change as obtained at COP21, the flexible agreement as cited in the film, Ecoplaza that then enables the world to agree and to create ‘the infrastructure’ in order to save almost the entire human race from both conflict, world war three and therefore be able to save the world from climate change. Yet, that’s not the full story. I also when making the film in 2009 foresaw great changes in terms of pressures in cities, leading to protests, a convergence of issues together and a medical, scientific crisis. I also foresaw that unless the world could fully and properly agree on climate, and act together to actually solve the issue fully and properly as I had presented in the film, then there was the likelihood of East West relations potentially deteriorating into war and yet what could calm, and resolve that was actually a renewed more serious effort made in terms of global action for climate and that the best way to achieve and accomplish that global paradigm shift from a world of continuous use of resources without consideration was my full political science work, the film Ecoplaza being simply an audio visual map of the two possibilities of humanity as I saw them in a visual perception in the rainforest in 1990, and have tried in so many ways to communicate all this, and taken seriously ever since then. I have endeavoured to communicate this in so many ways through saving a 10,000 acre forest when I was 20. The project was a success and various NGO’s participated including IPCC and The Rainforest Action Network and some twenty five celebrities. This became the second most high profile rainforest project at the time in Europe, second only to the work of Sting’s Rainforest Foundation. Conversations of how a twenty year old with only one thousand pounds managed to save a sub tropical forest of great conservation significance the other side of the world in the days of the fax machine only led to a conversation with Franny Armstrong, the film maker of The Age Of Stupid.
I believe that the war in Ukraine is the result of two contrasting paradigms of thinking that does not only involve Ukraine, yet in actual fact involves the entire ‘management methodology’ encompassing all world diplomatic relations.?
Before I go further let me state in no uncertain terms that I’m completely opposed to wars and that the killing of innocent civilians due to geo-political failings of governments in terms of their ability and capacity to be truly honest with each other and negotiate for the best interests of all their people is wrong.?
Before, I go on further I have to say that the Ukrainian people and the Russian soldiers are suffering the most from this war and yet there is a massive global anxiety in the context of all aspects of this. In terms of economics companies and countries are in many cases prepared to drive their own economies into what looks like a soon to be place of recession just due to the implications of sanctioning the largest country by landmass in the world. There are representatives at the United Nations prepared and willing to walk out of the conference without listing to Sergei Lavrov, out of principle. And yet, amid all of that, there is a much bigger geo-political ‘game’ as President Trump called it playing out in the world. A ‘game’ that only a very few comprehend or even understand is even being played. A ‘game’ that has seen some of the very best geo-political choices and decisions made by many world leaders consistently through the years of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and for the first weeks of 2022.
People have rarely been especially good at making peace, yet that's the very least required of leaders today.
Nobody has all the answers yet, talks are though the best way to progress to bring back peace and security for all.