Integrated Pest & Disease Management
Ezaz Ahmed
Senior Joint Convener, The Student Against Discrimination, Sarishabari Upazila Unit, Bangladesh
What is a pest??
“Pest is an any organism whose population increases to such an extent as to cause economic loss to crops or a nuisance and health hazards to man and his live stock”?
The word pest is derived from French ‘Peste’ and Latin terms ‘pestis’ means plague or contagious disease . The pest status of an insect spices may be determined by numbers of ways such as Increase in the number of insects, change is the type of damage inflicted on the crop, change in method of cultivation or harvesting, fluctuation in the market value of the crop etc.
Pests are organisms which impose burdens on human population by causing
(i) Injury to crop plants, forests and ornamental
(ii) Annoyance, injury and death to humans and domesticated animals
(iii) Destruction or value depreciation of stored products.
Pests include insects, nematodes, mites, snails, slugs, etc. and vertebrates like rats, birds, etc.
HOW INSECTS BECOME PESTS? (Reasons for out break of Pest)?
A. Destruction of forest or bringing forest area under cultivation. B. Destruction of natural enemies. C. Intensive and extensive cultivation of crops: Eg. Stem borers in rice and sugarcane. D. Introduction of new crops and improved variations Introduction of new crop may some as new host for the pest Eg: Sunflower and head borer, E. Improved agronomic practices, F. Introduction of new pest in new areas, G. Accidental introduction of foreign pest
The goal of IPM is?to reduce the adverse impacts of pest control on human health, the environment and non-target organisms, while managing pests effectively. The concept of Integrated Pest Management is not new and has been used on field crops and orchards throughout the world.
I have collected information on IPM/IPDM from international workshop & courses. Send me a short massage via mail([email protected]) to get integrated notes on IPM/IPDM-
Note Index
01. Insects, their abundance and diversity,
02. Pest, cause for outbreak and categories,
03. Pest Survey, Surveillance, Forecasting, Sampling Methods,
04. Concepts and Principles of Pest Management,
05. Eco-friendly methods of pest management,
06. Host Plant Resistance (HPR)?,
07. Biological Control - Definition – History - Classical Examples - Factors Governing Biological Control,
08. Pest management by modifying insect development and behavior, ?
09. Insect Pest Management,
10. Feasibility of SIT for Lepidoptera,
11. Botanical in Integrated Pest Management,
12. Chemical control in IPM?,
13. Resistance management,
14. Insecticides as component in IPM