Integrated Personality
Dr. Gajanan Shirke
★#1 Author of 64 Bestselling Books★ Hotel Revamping Consultant★ Educational Consultant ★Trainer ★Educator ★comprehensive staff training organizer ★ Been named 100 influential Indian by Fox Story India★
An integrated personality is sum total of harmonious expression of physical, mental,intellectual, energical and blissful self. It is the state of being in happiness with self and society. Integrated personality is that in which a person functions with full potential of body, mind and soul. A person conscious of only body or mind will not function in totality of his existence. Sound mind in a sound body is its first requisite. A healthy body and mind sprinkled with spirituality culminates into an integrated personality. A person whose body, mind and soul function in synchrony, his life becomes a symphony, a melody. The present day life has become complex and competitive creating stressful conditions. To cope with such kind of life, one needs to develop strong personality capable of not only sustaining the difficulties but overcoming them. As Bert end Russel has pointed out, “Strong individuals are like‘billiards’ whose function is to hit strike and collide”
Development of an integrated personality is possible by proper control of the mind using conscious and calm approach. It is the calmness of mind that brings stability and peace in life. The calm state of mind is like the clean still water in a pond in which one can see his face. Practising spirituality and realising the existence of soul in the body provides understanding the ‘self’ in its all dimensions. It is the spirituality that stirs up the subtle aspects of one’s conscious and stimulates intellect. It dispels the darkness of ignorance and unawareness and purifies the mind. Thus with the help of spirituality, the mind is managed and intellect is ignited. The development of an integrated personality is the expansion and enforcement of intellectual, attitudinal and spiritual dimensions of a person. When it gets developed, the ambitions and aspirations fulfill in accordance with one’s physical and mental capabilities. The person becomes flexible, balanced, organised and strong. Developing an integrated personality is not a hit-and-miss affair but a conscious, focused and organised effort with the help of a thoughtful action plan.
There are several means to build and develop IP some of them are stated below:
Acquiring knowledge and receiving training of the physical and mental systems in an integrated manner.
Enlightened Living and Integrated Personality:
The state of enlightenment involves wakefulness on profoundly deep level of being,where individual awareness is usually dormant. It lies beyond thoughts, emotions and physical body and results into grandeur and consciousness. People, commonly are unaware of this level of living. Today even scientists theorise that human mind is a quantum mechanical computer capable of maintaining awareness of the underlying basis of the entire universe, which is the field of unbounded consciousness,also called as ‘Unified Field’ by physicists . Due to various types of distractions, the consciousness is obstructed and deprives an individual to lead enlightened living. However, by practising the unison of mind and heart, which are responsible for thoughts and emotions, the enlightened living is achievable.This kind of living is characterised by the ‘Human Aura Energy Field’ which is described below.
Human Aura Energy Field:
Every human being has a brain and a heart but mostly it is not known how to use them effectively in order to harmoniously evolve together with nature. An emerging area of science known as ‘Infosomatics’ provides an easy understanding that how human brain and human heart interact with each other in the ‘energy –informational field’.It theories that human body can be perceived in the form of electromagnetic waves,where brain acts as a complex radar system that can receive information and transform into energy, while the heart acts as a ‘power generator’ that creates an environment for the needed information to be transformed. There are zones in the brain that are responsible for various functions of the body. When the brain receives waves of information from the surrounding environment (flat-parallel cosmic rays), it transforms them into energy and sends it all over the body through biologically active points. This energy is what forms the energy centres (Chakras’ in Indian scriptures) that are responsible for certain organs and systems of the body.
The emotional shell acts like a magnifying lens that concentrates the flat- parallel cosmic rays on the top of head through the crown energy centre (Sahastra Chakra – asper Indian scriptures). The brain processes the information received from the crown energy centre. The emotional shell surrounds the entire body and is activated by the energy received from other energy centers (Chakras) of the body.'
Energy Centers (Chakras):
Energy centre or chakra is an energy node that exists in the subtle body (composed of mind, intelligence and ego) of human beings. In the subtle body (non physical body)there are various channels through which energy flows. These energy channels are called ‘nadi’ in Indian scriptures. Nadis are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (Prana) orvital energy moves. It is believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, but seven of the mare considered to be the most important ones. They are briefly described below.Emotional Shell Flat – Parallel Cosmic Rays Energy Shell Physical Body
Sahastrara (Crown) Chakra: It is considered to be the state of pure consciousness. Symbolizedby a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals, it is considered to be located at the crown ofthe head. When activated it controls the consciousness and leads to divinity. Its role is similar tothat of pituitary gland which controls the central nervous system.
Aygna (Third eye) Chakra-It is symbolised by a white lotus with two petals. It is at this point that two nadis (energy channels) –Ida and Pingla are said to terminate and merge with Sushumna’(central energy channel). It is also known as the third-eye chakra, linked to ‘pienal’ gland. AygnaChakra relates to access to intuition. It is considered to be located in the forehead between twoeyebrows.
Vishudhi (Throat) Chakra- it is symbolized as white crescent within a white circle, with 16 bluegreen colour petals around. It is related to communication and growth through speech expression.This Chakra is linked to the ‘thyroid’. It also governs a sense of security and is supposed to belocated in the throat.
Anahat (heart) Chakra – It is symbolized by a flower with twelve green petals and is supposedto be located in the middle of the chest. It is related to the ‘thymus’ located in the chest. TheAnahat Chakra governs emotions, unconditional love, compassion and devotion.
Manipura (Navel) Chakra- It is symbolized by a downward pointed triangle with a surroundingcircle having ten yellow petals. It is related to metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura Chakragoverns anxiety, opinion, fear and power. It is located in the navel region.
Swadhishthana (Sacral) Chakra- It is symbolized by a crescent moon inside a white lotus withsix orange petals. The chakra is supposed to be located in the ‘sacrum’. It governs reproduction,and is associated with relationships, enthusiasm, joy and pleasure.
Muladhara (Root) Chakra – It is symbolized by a red lotus with four petals and supposed to belocated at the root of spine, where the three nadis namely Ida, Pingla and Sushumna separate andbegin their upward movement. The Muladhara Chakra is related to instinct, security and survival. It governs sensuality and spirituality.
Kundalini- the primal energy rests in a dormant state in this chakra.