Integrated Impact of Venus in Leo -Cancer & Its Retrogression on a Royal Path
Jayshree Dhamani
Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu-FengShui Expert, Tarot , Runes, Graphologist, Palmist, Face Reader at Jayshree Dhamani
A majestic journey of Venus in Leo & its retrogression…. back to Cancer.
The most luxurious & charming planet, Venus will be transiting for more than 3 months in the royal signs of the zodiac, Cancer & Leo….
Venus will also have aspects of Jupiter & Saturn.
Cancer & Leo are considered the king & queen of the zodiac as their lords – Sun & Moon are luminaries, the original source of light & life on Earth…
Cancer represents mother, emotions, intuition, & nurturing… while Leo represents father, vitality, creativity, & self-expression.
Expect, royalty, status, power, comfort, wealth, leadership in… these significations… as Sun & Moon both represent these.
Venus entered Leo on 7th July…
& will go retro in Leo on 23rd July @ 4° in Magha nakshatra of Taurus Nav…
Magha also is connected with royal & respectable positions.
It indicates reputation, domination, & high social respect.
With strong Magha Nakshatra in play, we can easily reap the blessings of our forefathers….
Retro Venus will go back till 18° of Cancer in Ashlesha nakshatra & Sagittarius navamsa…?
Both these nakshatras – Magha & Ashlesha are Gandant nakshatra…
Venus will experience 2 more gandanta during its retrogression…on 7th Aug while in retro & on 1st Oct while direct.
Gandanta is a junction point between Water & Fire signs.
?& here, Venus will transit both ways… Water to Fire & also Fire to water…. as it retrogrades back…
There is a messy knot, on this dividing line… a bubble that is not breaking…
It triggers intense emotional conflicts… But it is a termination point also …
& with this back & fourth movement of Venus - on this spot, we can expect an end to a long pending matter related to Venus in our chart, & its lordship …
You can have some solutions, some new knowledge, or truth related to that which can help you resolve that puzzle & break that bubble….
It can break the illusion & bring clarity, reality in front of us, which generally… we don’t like but it is necessary….
It can promote new direction & growth.
Certainly, there will be a new beginning & yes…gradually from here… there will be a positive turn of events.
We have all major benefic connected closely with each other during this entire transit…in royal signs….
~ Jupiter in Bharani – Venus’s Nak…. with aspect on Venus till its Leo transit.
~ Venus will be mostly in Ashlesha – Mercury’s nakshatra… &
~ In August, even Mercury, gets retro in Purva Phalguni – Venus’s nakshatra...
So, we have all benefics connected with each other & also with the royal signs…
See, Mercury & Venus are not just fast-moving, inner planets that are close to Sun & our earth but Mercury is the King of this Samvat year & Venus is the minister.
Their role & the smallest impact on them is significant for the events…
Mercury in Cancer moves fast but also gets retro in Leo….
& Both the King & the Minster of this Samvat year will be retro & slow around August, September in these royal signs.
& We are also heading towards Eclipses in October….
So, these 4 months… are preparing us for that major shift…& everything that you are working on… since Rahu/Ketu changed their sign to Aries – Libra….
Focus more on their signification & be open for repetition, corrections & gradual progress in those areas...
Know that ...these planets are walking on the royal path…don’t expect ordinary results out of this…
Just do not lose your patience… If we understand this well…
Pass the tough gandanta & accept any changes in a welcoming way …. then certainly we can have some positive moves…opportunities & development…
Even Sun will cross this royal path…
Nearly all planets are connected with benefics & majorly Venus ….
So, focus on Venus & its lordship house for the impact.
Venus indicates how we love & enjoy life. How we use our resources, spend money… What, & how we value everything.
It’s a female planet & the element is water, so it's all about emotions, relations, finances, & even health.
Venus governs the values of harmony, relationship, & — being in balance.
With its retrogression through Gandanta…. expect a sudden transformation in these significations.?
Venus will be retro from 23rd July till 3rd Sep for nearly 40 days.
Venus retrogrades once every 18–19 months & has a cycle of 8 years where Venus comes back to the same place while in retrogression.
Before 8 years… Venus got retrograde in Leo & Magha nak … in August 2015 & previous to that was in August 2007….
But the impact would depend on your dasha & placement of Ketu at that time…
In 2015, Ketu was in Pisces & in 2007 – Leo itself…
If you can recall… your time back then.
& If anything, specific you have faced related to finance, relations, emotions…
Or whatever Venus signifies in your chart then you may face a similar kind of intensity, once again in a different form.
Those experiences & lessons learned… can be helpful, this time to manage any challenging situation….in an improved manner.
With retrogression, we can expect, slowness, repetition in our task & thus delays….as there is confusion…
The purpose of retrogression is to master that area…
& Have clarity, gradual but sure shot progress….
It can be a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of, all those repetitions.
With Venus retrogrades in transit, the significance of Venus like relations, love finance, emotions…also, our values …may go through transformations…
We may have to prove ourselves in those areas or go through tough tests, Love comes with some conditions… something unconventional…
There can be doubts, unique thinking & also new ways to solve problems by breaking the old patterns & forming new ones…
Its best time to:
~ Reclaim our self-worth;
~ Reevaluate our relationships, our spending habits
~ Redefine what beauty means &
~ By redoing or repetition, we become experts in that area…& do it perfectly… that’s the purpose of Venus retrograde.
Secondly, Venus regenerates our dead cells so very important in health matters
A retrograde planet is not good for health as there can be repetitions of a problem but also provides an opportunity to do things differently…to resolve a problem.
See, the impact of this transit & retrogression… will depend on both Magha & Ashlesha with respect to Venus, Ketu & Mercury…. in your chart.
& Both these nakshatras, their significance & quality will help you handle this transit smoothly….
Venus in Leo & Magha nakshatra impacts our status…it has the capacity to take away or give you something powerful in a really dramatic way.
Magha?is ruled by our Ancestors, our forefathers & our paternal heritage.
It’s a strong,?masculine nakshatra, with a feeling of duty & a need to seek permission from elders …for any tough task that you are about to start.
Magha has very clear & right intentions, but it's Ketu's nakshatra … indicates the end of a cycle.
Magha can cause a change in our current state or condition, a kind of death or end of something but also a fresh start… where Leo is placed…
Magha gives fame that lasts through the generations, gives a high reputation & a kind of kingly status.
But it is Ugra…. fierce nakshatra & is violent in nature. There is an inherited fight for the throne, pride, or power.
So, whatever the matter is…you may have to fight for it & achieve with challenges…
But before you get that status, power… Venus needs to go back & finish some pending work or learn some missed lessons of Ashlesha nakshatra.?
Ashlesha?is all about being alert & the awareness, that leads to change.
Ashlesha has serpent energy…& has forces of transformation…
The snakes, periodically shade their skin which no longer helps to protect them….
The clear indication from Ashlesha is to let go of outdated emotions that you have been holding strongly….
Ashlesha also has protective energy….it only gets negative when there is a danger of survival….
If you lose your cool & there is restlessness then only, the snakes can harm…. otherwise, we are safe in the right environment….
Like a serpent - the tongue can be poisonous…so watch your words & what u say….as it can hurt others…
Once we learn the lessons of Cancer & Ashlesha nakshatra then we are eligible for that high position, power & treasure which is connected with Magha.
Venus can be very moody when in cancer.
Venus in Cancer?can be like the raw power of emotions & balancing those emotions is the key to living happily. It’s time to relax in your comfort zone…
With retro Venus in Cancer…. the sentiments can be intense, deeper, inward & can be felt intuitively.
But the path ahead in Leo will be full of expressions of those emotions in a creative manner…
Leo is a fire sign & Venus is water… Both Cancer & Leo are not friendly signs for Venus but Venus enjoys being in Cancer more than in Leo…
Retrograde Venus highlights the difficulty in connecting with others especially our partners or sustaining close relationships.
& We look for perfection in that but the significance of Venus is unconditional love…
& Learn what is important to us… how to develop a mature & productive relationship.
With this intention keeping in mind if you work on your goals then the Universe guarantees you success in all your task…
You can have the best solutions to any problems related to relations, finances …. what more you can expect?
Ketu & Mercury…the lord of Magha & Ashlesha… are well placed from Venus throughout this transit.
We also have the nakshatra exchange of Venus/Mercury…
Also, during eclipse time in October, we shall have a sign exchange of Venus & Sun.
All these indicate more than average & benefic results in the upcoming time…
Let us see for each ascendant, in which area of your life, you can have resetting reshuffling & where you can have luck, higher position, power & divine blessings.
Check the Leo & Cancer sign of your chart…. where you may achieve something around October-November.
Aries: You may have a name, fame & status. Your expressive & creative side can be strengthened… & your childlike joy can be well expressed with your network & friends.
You may reflect on your values…what is important, restore your faith in family, caring & nurturing & have a secure environment at home.
Taurus: A new home or relocation is possible. You may focus on home, family, your foundations, & family bonds. The shift can be seen in your public life or your career.
You may reassess & change the way you present yourself…how you can communicate effectively & showcase your capacity to handle challenging tasks with ease.
Gemini:?You can be top with knowledge & information. Your strength & communication can improve. You may travel & can have brilliant conversations or collaborations with mentors, teachers, or father figures.
You may work on re-examining your family relations, finances & be committed to spending appropriately, having some new money-making plans & investments.
Cancer: You can achieve stability & security within your family & finances... You can be strong emotionally & have good health…. Your earning power & resources will improve.
You will reflect on your health, build your personality & try to be caring & protective about yourself, & to maintain good relations.
Leo:?You will create a strong social image & identity… You can be encouraged to set new personal goals & can work on improving relations.
You may reflect on your expenses, do some research & initiate something related to travel at a distant place, or do some creative work that is spiritual in nature.
Virgo: You will finally be relieved from any bondage that was an obstacle on your path to success…Also, you will be successful in letting go of what is not required & grow in your life…It’s time to be alone, travel, reflect on your day-to-day life & maintain good health.
You may redirect your aim towards having success & rewards for your hard work… Increase your network & make new benefic connections…
Libra: Expect popularity & great achievement within your circle, network & friends. You can shine with strong influence, with your valuable sharing… & expressing your ideas with creativity.
You may re-work your public image, break the old patterns, change something in your work zone, become dependable, mature, & ready to accept new challenges.
Scorpio: You may have success, name & fame in your career… You may also have a status, position, authority with new responsibility …& a chance to lead a project.
You may redefine your worldviews, beliefs related to your values, family & partner… You may try… new things in learning & expand your knowledge…
Sagittarius: You will be able to go for higher education, travel to distant places & have an opportunity to work on your vision, beliefs…& faith…
You may reconsider making changes in the way you work & how you deal with emotions & partners in relations …It’s time to develop more strength & endurance for any obstacle or change coming on your way.
Capricorn: Finally, that long-awaited change can happen. Expect the unexpected. Take care of health, finances & be prepared to manage any challenging work.
You can also work on your feelings in close relations & reflect deeply on how you relate with others …also consider being generous in all relations.
Aquarius:?You may be successful in building a new relationship. Your focus is to change the way you handle all your relations, marriage, partnerships, & everything that you have projected onto others…
You will reflect on being organized & discipline in the way you work, make necessary changes in your daily routine & build up a good immune system & health…
Pisces:?You will be able to achieve your goals on your health & work front. It’s time to have a deep reflection on your daily routine, & the way you manage everything…You can focus on what needs letting go…
You may reconsider learning new skills, & work on them to be more appealing for your vision, creative projects & to have pleasure in expressing your talents.
To Summarize:
Venus will go back from Leo – Magha nakshatra where Venus receives Jupiter’s 5th aspect.
It’s Jupiter’s wisdom that is influencing Venus & advice to slow down…Revise the missed teachings…
& then Jupiter will give you success, that power, & authority to rule …
So, be assured of some positive development out of this retrogression.
Saturn is 8th from Venus in Cancer, so as far as you are on the right path… about intentions & karma, you do not have to worry about anything.
Basically,?the retrogression of Venus can prove to be a breakthrough for all of us to reset old patterns… change our approach or the way we express ourselves…
As?retrograde planets encourage… reconsideration on the…. functions associated with them.
& With Venus, it’s all about relations, emotions, finance, what is important to us the most, everything that we love to have & always wants to keep with us.
In the end, all the changes will make us more knowledgeable, diplomatic, confident & expressive in our skills….
Retro Venus can bring out our originality & hidden potential.
Venus in Cancer can provide us with all the comfort & security which is needed in any transformative time.
Venus will manage any chaos in the most diplomatic way….
It's time to make up your mind & proceed with action…to have the royal benefits & success….?
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