An integrated and holistic approach to heal our physical body

An integrated and holistic approach to heal our physical body

Most of us view physical health as an independent compartment of our life -separate from other aspects of our being.

Hence, when we experience a physical disease - we view the disease as independent and not connected with other aspects of our being.  Hence, most of the times we end up taking medicines and other treatments that work on the superficial symptoms and are completely oblivious of the deep rooted cause of the disease.

In order to better heal our physical bodies – a good place to start could be to gain a better understanding of the different aspects that constitute our being and how they are connected with one another.

What are the different aspects of a human being?

Human beings are a marvelous creation of this Universe. Some parts of us are intangible and indestructible - while some others are tangible and impermanent.

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At the core of a human being is the soul – an energy that is formless, omnipotent, permanent, indestructible, infinite and indescribable.


We experience emotions. These cannot be seen – however, they are experienced by all human beings. Emotions are an intangible - yet an integral part of a human being and play a pivotal role in one’s well being.


Our thoughts, beliefs and perspectives are an important part of who we are and these help shape our lives.

Mind is different from brain. While the latter is part of our physical body – mind is intangible that houses our thoughts, beliefs and perspectives.

There are two kinds of minds – conscious mind and sub-conscious mind and 99% of our beliefs and perspectives are in our sub-conscious mind.

Physical Body

The physical body is the most tangible aspect of a human being. It can be touched, seen and in-fact all the 5 senses are a part of the physical body.

It is a very complex system that runs with amazing intelligence. It has different sub-systems – nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system etc that seamlessly work with each other.

However, this aspect of a human being has a limited shelf life and is impermanent.

Ethereal Body

Another aspect of our being that is not very well known and understood is the energy / ethereal body, which surrounds our physical body. In fact – our physical body is inside our ethereal body. To understand the ethereal body better – we need to first understand about cosmic energy.

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Cosmic Energy

The entire Universe and everything that you see on this planet is made up of cosmic energy.

Our physical body is made up of ~40 trillion cells and each cell has ~1 trillion molecules and the molecules are made up of atoms.

Infact, the whole Universe if made up of atoms.

Atoms are ridiculously small - they're about one tenth of a millionth of a millimeter across. Put another way, there are more atoms in a glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans in the world.

Earlier, scientists believed that 99.99% of the space in each of the atom is empty. Put another way, if you removed all the empty space from the atoms that make up all the humans on the planet, then you could fit all 6 billion of us inside a single apple. (

However, with advancement in quantum physics – scientists have now realized that the empty space inside the atom is not actually empty and there are electro-magnetic waves inside what was earlier perceived to be empty space.

This is electro-magnetic energy, otherwise called as cosmic energy, is filled inside this empty space.

The entire Universe is made-up of this cosmic energy as 99.99% space within each atom comprises of these cosmic energy particles.

These cosmic energy particles cannot be seen or perceived by any of the 5 senses. However, everything that exists on this planet – humans, animals, plants, water, air, fire, earth etc are essentially made up of these cosmic energy particles.

These cosmic energy particles are also referred to as ether in ancient Indian spiritual texts.

Not only is our physical body made up of cosmic energy particles but also our physical body is inside a ball of cosmic energy. This ball of cosmic energy inside which our physical body rests is called ethereal body / energy body.

The ethereal body has a very complex and interconnected system of ‘Chakras’. There are 7 major chakras from the base of the spine to the top center of the head that are in the shape of a lotus flower – each having a specific colour, role, and function and interconnected to each other. Chakras are to the ethereal body - what nervous system is to the physical body. Thus, a complex and beautifully woven system of energy chakras is an integral part of the ethereal body.


All aspects of a human being are completely connected with one another. Thoughts, emotions, ethereal body and physical body are all inter-connected. Changes in one aspect of our being - impacts other aspects of our being.

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Our mind constitutes our beliefs, perspectives and thoughts. Our conscious and sub-conscious beliefs create the mental perspectives through which we look at life situations.

And the way we look at a life situation influences our response to that situation – our emotional response to the situation and our response by way of actions and decisions.

For example – if a person has a belief that ‘Winning is Everything’– then he/she will have fear based reactions in the event he/she loses any game. The reactions could range from despair, anger, hatred to depression. However, if a person holds a belief that one should give one’s 100% in the game and winning / losing is part of the game – his / her reaction to losing a game would be very constructive. He/she would evaluate the game with equanimity –  what went well and what could be improved and then would actually work upon improving his/her game.

Several of our emotions are fear based such as anxiety, anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, greed, guilt, frustration, insecurity etc . These unhealthy emotions, if unreleased, become strong and adversely impact on our ethereal body and physical body.

These emotions have an adverse impact on the Chakras. For example – if a person is anxious about the basic necessities of life (food, clothing and shelter)– it adversely impacts his lowest chakra located near the spine called as ‘Root Chakra’. The Root Chakra does not rotate in harmony and alignment with other chakras. It either shrinks or expands, spins too fast or too slow.

Thus, unhealthy emotions create an imbalance in the chakras and hence the impacts ethereal body. Anything that impacts our ethereal body affects our physical body since our physical body is inside our ethereal body.

Since, some of these emotions get attached or connected with the cosmic energy particles of our physical body and they adversely affect our physical health and create physical diseases in our body.

Hence, our mind, emotions, ethereal body and physical body are all connected.

Integrated approach

Louis Hay, one of the world renowned founders of holistic wellness and the author of the best-selling book ‘Heal Your Body’, was one of the first to recognize the connection between beliefs, thoughts and body.

She was a psychological counselor and during her counseling sessions with different people she discovered a distinct pattern between physical ailments and specific emotions that her clients were experiencing. She documented her observations and mapped the beliefs related different physical ailments.

Everything in this Universe is made up of cosmic energy particles. The cosmic energy particles are pure consciousness and all powerful. These particles are constantly manifesting our thoughts and beliefs. In other words – the cosmic energy particles are taking our conscious and sub-conscious beliefs and are manifesting life situations that are in accordance with our beliefs for us to experience our own beliefs. This is why ancient Indian scriptures say that our outer reality is a reflection of our inner reality.

You can click on the below link to view a detailed reference guide for the mental causes for physical diseases.

Now even medical doctors such as Dr. Roger Henderson, who is one of UK’s most respected General Practitioner & an author on health, believe that most diseases are connected to mind and body.

My personal experience

In my personal case – I have facilitated the healing of different diseases in my own physical body related to sinusitis, back pain, slip disc etc by identifying and releasing the unresolved emotions and the underlying beliefs related to those emotions.

During one of my healing sessions in 2008 – I became aware that my sinusitis problem that I had been experiencing for 13 years was linked to my unresolved emotions and relationship with my father. My parents got separated when I was 8 years old and my mother single handedly brought us up. My father had remarried and could not support us.

During one of the healing sessions - I became aware that I had been holding deep resentment against my father for remarrying and hence bringing dishonor to me.

Sub-consciously as a young child, I had picked up a belief from the society that divorce is bad. I felt that my father did not love me enough to not remarry. Because of my belief - I felt ashamed of our family situation and in my heart held my father responsible for this. My heart was hurt and in pain.

Thereafter, I energetically worked on healing my relationship with my father and releasing the hurt, pain and anger that I had towards him. Also, since I had grown up – I was in a better position to view the entire situation with awareness that it was nobody’s fault and it is better for two people to separate than constantly suffer.

Though in the corner of my heart I was deeply aware that my father loved me very much – the session helped me become aware of our mutual love for each other.

Once my heart was healed – the sinusitis problem healed permanently and it’s since been 9 years and I have been free of sinusitis.

Thus - in order to heal a physical disease one has to go to the root cause and heal the related emotions and related beliefs.


There is an eye-opening and paradigm shifting documentary on Netflix called ‘Heal’ – which brings forth the inter-connectedness of beliefs, perspectives, emotions, ethereal body and physical body.

In this documentary some of the world’s leading medical doctors, researchers and holistic healers such as Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson etc share their understanding of how physical body can be healed by altering beliefs & thoughts and healing emotions. Highly recommend that you watch the paradigm shifting documentary.

I believe that this integrated approach of healing our physical body through healing our emotions and altering our conscious and sub-conscious beliefs - is going to be mainstream in the next 3 decades.

At Spoorthi Wellness Programme – we facilitate altering of non-contributive beliefs and related mental frameworks, healing of unresolved emotions, healing of ethereal body and hence physical body. Also, we facilitate the healing of the cosmic energy particles inside the cells of body that in turn heals the physical body.

We facilitate this healing through healing modalities such as Alpha Healing, Divine Light Healing, Relationship Healing, Chakra Healing, Inner Child Healing,  Art Healing, Sound Healing, Dance Healing, Spoorthi Asanas and Breathing Techniques.

In one of the modalities - Alpha Healing – we support healing of the physical body by facilitating release of emotions and beliefs attached to the cosmic energy particles inside the cells of ethereal and physical body - thereby restoring the cosmic energy particles inside the cells to their original and natural state of health and vitality. This results in healing of the physical body and restoring it to a natural state of health and vitality.

Sunil Kaura, Spoorthi Wellness Programme,

+91 82476 71155 / [email protected] /

Would love to hear your queries and thoughts in the comments section below

Deepa N Swamy

Co-Founder at FlexiBees, Co-author "Found Again"

4 年

Great article!

Shyam Arunachalam FCA , CISA, PMP

Product Owner , Kuber TMS? | Independent Oracle EBS/Cloud Advisor | Founder , Seertree Global Services

4 年

Fantastic Article Sunil! Love to take part in one of your sessions and knowing the person you are and your devotion to the cause I bet it will be immensely beneficial ! All the best!


