Integrated Durability Solutions for Elastomers
Will the durability of your new rubber product meet the expectations of your customers??
Do you have a comprehensive capability that fully integrates all of the disciplines required to efficiently achieve a targeted durability spec?
Your engineers use finite element analysis (FEA) to model the elastomer component in the complex geometry and loading cycle for the desired product application.? One traditional approach to predicting durability is to develop a rough estimate of lifetime by looking at maximum principal strain or stress in relation to strain-life or stress-life fatigue curves obtained for the material using lab specimens in simple tension.? The difficulties and uncertainties with this method were discussed in a recent blog post.
A modern approach to elastomer durability is to use the Endurica CL? durability solver for FEA.? This software uses rubber fracture mechanics principles and critical plane analysis to calculate the fatigue lifetime – which is the number of times the complex deformation cycle can be repeated before failure – for every element of the model.? This provides engineers with the ability to view lifetime throughout the FEA mesh, allowing them to modify design features or make material changes as needed to resolve short-lifetime areas.
A sound finite element model of the elastomer product in the specified loading situation and fundamental fatigue material parameters from our Fatigue Property Mapping? testing methods are the two essential inputs to the Endurica CL software.? This is illustrated in the figure below.
The requisite elastomer characterization methods can be conducted by us through our testing services or by you in your laboratory with our testing instruments.? For some companies, consulting projects are a route to taking advantage of the software before deciding to license the unique predictive capabilities.? The following diagram shows how our products and services are integrated.
For companies that are just getting started with implementing our durability solutions, the following is a typical testing services and consulting project:
Advanced implementors of our durability solutions have licensed the Endurica CL software and are using our rubber characterization methods in their laboratories on a routine basis, with instruments provided through our partnership with Coesfeld GmbH & Co. (Germany).? One recently publicized example of a company using the Endurica approach to a very high degree is Tenneco Inc., which you can read about here.
Ask for demo of ENDURICA CL, We want to help you #GetDurabilityRight, so please contact us at [email protected] +91 8618908683