Integrate Into His Life Make him Commit ….
So you’ve just met a new guy, and things are going really well. He takes you out regularly for fun dates.
The chemistry is explosive, and you can really see a future with him. There’s just one problem: he won’t commit to being in a relationship.
As a matter of fact, every time you bring up the idea of the two of you becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, he clams up, changes the subject, or he tells you he just isn’t ready to be in a relationship.
If you’re going through this situation right now, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Getting a guy to commit seems like one of the hardest things in the world.
We’ve all heard stories about men being commitment-phobes who are deathly afraid of having their independence ripped away for them, so you can’t really blame the guy for dragging his feet when it comes to locking you down, can you?
Thankfully, you don’t have to live in this dreaded gray area much longer because there his chemistry is explosive, and you can really see a future with him
Is If you really want your guy to finally commit to being in a relationship, you have to make commitment look like something that will be fun, light and carefree.
No guy will agree to being in a relationship with a woman who is always sad, depressed and starting petty arguments with him. So every time the two of you hang out, make sure you’re doing something fun! Every time the two of you hang out, he will know he’s in for a good time, and he will want those good times to continue by finally asking you to be his girlfriend!
Put your guy on your very own reward system if you want him to warm up to the idea of finally committing to you. When a guy goes out of his way to do something nice for you, and you reward him for his efforts, it will make him see commitment in a new light.
A reward can be something as simple as saying “thank you,” or it could be a kiss on the cheek, a hug, or buying him a cupcake from his favorite bakery. Rewarding him lets him know that he is able to please you, and if he’s able to make you happy, you have officially placed yourself in the category as the girl he would love to commit to.
Give your guy attention and affection when he does something that you love, and this positive reinforcement will guarantee that a committed relationship is in your future.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you …. If you lay everything out on a silver platter for your guy, he will not feel the urge to ask you to be in a relationship. When it comes to committing, men are more likely to lock you down if they are intrigued by you.
To do this, you need to be more mysterious. This means, don’t tell him everything right away. You need to learn how to hold back, and share bits and pieces of yourself slowly to keep him interested.
So stop over-explaining every little thing, stop sharing all of your childhood stories with him, and don’t let him know what you’re doing at all hours of the day. Keep some things to yourself, and it will make him even more curious about who you really are. He will subconsciously know that in order to peel back all of your layers, he needs to take the next step and ask you for exclusivity.
Trust me, your friends, your co-workers, your lab partner, your neighbor, and your barista at Starbucks are all sick and tired of hearing about this guy. And deep down inside, you’re probably a little bit tired of talking about him, too. When you focus so much of your attention on one person, you can slowly drive yourself insane.
You’ll be constantly thinking about him, replaying your last conversation over and over again in your mind, wondering what he’s doing and who he’s doing it with, and wondering if he’s thinking about you at that exact moment. It’s not healthy, and it definitely won’t get you any closer to being in a relationship.
Over-thinking the situation will manifest itself into clingy and needy behavior that your guy will sense, and it will definitely turn him off on being in a relationship with you. So try to keep your thoughts to yourself.
Don’t be so quick to share every little story with everyone, and remain cool, calm and collected. He’ll probably be so impressed with how laid back you are, that he won’t be able to stop himself from asking you to be his girlfriend.
If you’ve gotten yourself to the point where you’re ready for you guy to commit, but he just won’t budge, the two of you have probably discussed your relationship status ad nauseam. As of right now, bringing up your desire to be in a relationship won’t do you any good. He knows that you want to strip him of his “single” status and every time you bring it up, he pulls further and further away from you. So what’s a girl to do?
Want to add word or two?
If you really want this guy to finally commit to being in an exclusive relationship, you need to stop bringing up the “C” word. That’s right, completely remove all talks of commitment and a relationship from your vocabulary.
If you want this guy to be your boyfriend, you have to make him think that being in a relationship was all his idea. So remove all the pressure and stop stressing him out with your constant talks about being committed to each other. Soon enough, being with you will be the nly thing on his mind, and he won’t even hesitant letting you know that he’s ready for a relationship.
Your comment ….?
You don’t have to fly yourself halfway across the world to get this guy’s attention, but jetting of for a weekend trip will definitely help to push things along if a relationship is something you desire.
If your guy is hesitant to commit to you, going away on a trip with a few of your girlfriends will definitely catch his attention. The whole time you’re away, he’ll be driving himself crazy wondering if you’re meeting and hooking up with other guys.
Managing Director at DAYALIZE
3 年Men are often raised and socialized to respond to stress and emotional situations differently than women. That is to say, most men don’t vocalize their feelings. This can result in something that many women have experienced with their partner from time to time: he shuts you out. When a man goes silent and shuts down, it can leave women feeling uncertain and confused on how to react. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been dating him for a few months or a few years, when a guy shuts down women are often at a loss on how to deal with it. Before you know it, he’s simply shrugging off every question that you ask or giving you nothing but monosyllable one word responses. So what do you do? How do you communicate with a man who has gone completely nonverbal? There are some right ways and wrong ways to deal with a situation like this. If your partner is feeling upset and has started to shut you out, don’t immediately assume that it’s something you’ve done. This could cause problems where there aren’t any, and it does nothing but make you feel stressed out about your relationship when you don’t have to be. It’s logical to worry that you’ve done something to upset him, but if that were the case you would most likely know before he started to shut down. Unless you specifically tells you that it’s something you’ve done to upset him, then carry on under the assumption that whatever is causing him to shut down is an outside influence.