Integra Boost FAQ's
WHAT IS BOOST? INTEGRA BOOST? is a 2-way humidity regulator pack. It uses patented technology that releases or absorbs moisture, maintaining relative humidity at 55% or 62% in a contained environment. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? Integra products are made by Desiccare, potentially the most widely respected manufacturer of food safety products. Their products have been protecting consumables in many industries for decades. This intellectual property has been applied to design the safest, cleanest and only cannabis specific humidity pack. Both Integra and Desiccare operate as ISO:14001 certified, and are fully committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner. WHY AVOID PACKS USING SALT SOLUTIONS? You may not have realized, but that hard crunchy consistency you get with other packs is the remaining salts after the water has been exhausted from the envelope. Salt water is capable of eating through metal. ● Extremely corrosive ● Very effective at absorbing smells ● Shown in lab studies to off-gas potentially toxic vapors into the container ● Very effective at absorbing smells, and could otherwise alter/lessen your plant’s natural terpene profiles and distinct aromas, as well as color, texture and presentation ● Multiple global standards organizations have stated, “saturated salt solutions are extremely corrosive”, and “There is also the possibility of corrosive vapors in the atmospheres over saturated salt solutions”. (ASTM 104-3) WHAT SIZE DO YOU RECOMMEND? ● Up to 3.5 grams (1/8 oz) of plants, use 1gr Integra Boost pack? ● Up to 7 grams (1/4 oz) of plants, use 2g pack ● Up to 14 grams (? oz) of plants, use 4gr pack ● Up to 28 grams (1 oz) of plants, use 8gr pack ● Up to 454 grams (1 lb) of plants, us 67gr pack WHY 55% R.H. and 62% R.H.? When the R.H. is below 55%, this will cause your cannabis to dry out, turn brittle, and be unpleasant or harsh to smoke. Dryness will also lessen its medicinal potency as well as the overall weight of your plants. When the R.H. is above 62%, this can lead to the growth of dangerous bacteria, such as mold, mildew and fungus which could completely destroy your crop.
Brandon Jones, thanks for sharing