InsurTech Insights: On Demand Insurance with Trov & Cuvva
Ignore InsurTech at your peril!
There are those who say that Insurtech is nothing more than a passing fancy. And that the insurance incumbents should continue to do what they've always done. Mostly this comes from veterans of the insurance industry who have spent their time looking through the rear view mirror. This is how the insurance industry is run after all. Looking back at historical data for patterns, calculating generic averages, making one-size-fits-all products. More focus has gone on internal efficiency (sic!) over customer requirements.
In the Internet age, the insurance industry has failed to keep pace with technology advancement, let alone changing consumer behaviours. Which is why InsurTech is so important. And ignored at peril by incumbent insurers and the legacy tech industry that supplies it.
Making Insurance flexible and personal
A great example to emerge from the world of InsurTech is On Demand Insurance. It matches 21st century consumer behaviour (mostly for the under35s) with new technology to change the way insurance is consumed by customers. Traditional insurance still sits underneath it all (for now anyway) but the combination of tech and consumer demand has enabled a flexible and personalised approach to insurance.
Combining mobile tech with consumer choice, the pioneers of On Demand Insurance enable consumers to turn insurance on and off to suit. Whether that is buying an hour of motor insurance so that you can borrow your friend's car. Or turning cover on for when actually want to use your camera, On Demand Insurance is tuned into the digital native modus operandi and mindset.
On Demand Insurance is good for consumers and underwriters alike
It's not just the customer that benefits from the flexibility and option to turn insurance on as needed. It works for underwriters too. The floating exposure models of on demand insurance "earn" premium quicker.
On Demand also addresses another failing with traditional contents insurance policies relating to when items are covered or not. A favourite story of mine is this one from a year ago called "The ski cover that fails to cover skis". It tells the story of an insurance policy that does not cover the items insured when they were being used.
We all take personal items out and about, such as bikes, cameras, laptops. How many of us actually check if they are fully covered under any of our insurance policies. With On Demand Insurance cover from the likes of Trov or Sure, this issue is addressed. And with consumers in control.
InsurTech Insights
For the July issue of InsurTech Insights, published by The Digital Insurer, we look at On Demand through a series of articles.
Hugh Terry provides the editorial whilst KPMG’s article provide an opinion from Paul Merrey and Arturs Kokins. They look at the “demand for on-demand insurance” and make the point that the transition will take some time and the market is somewhat limited.
For my article, I spoke with the founder/CEOs of two pioneers in the On Demand Insurance space; Cuvva and Trov. You can read the article here.
Freddy Macnamara is the founder/CEO of Cuvva, a UK based provider of motor insurance.
What they have built is a beautiful example of a mobile app and they now have 2 motor products in the market. The first is an on demand product where consumers can buy as little as 1 hour fully comprehensive cover to drive someone else's car. Cuvva have just hit their 1 millionth hour for this product in their first 18 month's of trading.
The latest insurance offering is a Pay-As-You-Drive subscription model where consumers pay a monthly fee to cover the vehicle when it is not in use. They then pay on a hourly basis for using the vehicle. This is a product that suits the low usage drivers.
You can hear more of what Freddy has to say alongside my friend, Nigel Walsh, on this podcast from 11FS published yesterday.
Scott Walchek is the founder/CEO of Trov who are providing personal item protection insurance in Australia with Suncorp and in the UK with AXA. Trov will enter the US market this year and you can find the details about their launch here.
If you want to see and hear what Scott has to say, join us for The Digital Insurer European Conference in September. Scott will be joining us on the stage in London and you can find more details about the conference here.
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