Insuring Your Future
Bob Kerner is a Board Member of the La Jolla Concours d’Elegance, and the Senior Vice President of Lockton Insurance Brokers. Lockton provides their clients, who are ultra-high net worth families, insurance protection for their offices, homes, estates, collectibles, yachts, aircraft, automobiles, and more. Bob’s support for the La Jolla Concours includes assisting in generating sponsorship money, managing the photography and videography, and working with sub-committee members who secure automobiles for the event. Bob’s a frequent attendee at Pebble Beach Car Week, Amelia Island Concours, the Copperstate 1000 rally, as well as numerous automotive actions around the country.
You can listen to all the Cars Yeah interviews on the CarsYeah website, iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Play. Click and learn more about Bob here: Bob Kerner
Mark Greene has interviewed over 990 Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts? who have wrapped their passion in to their careers. You'll find the entire list of Inspiring Automotive Enthusiasts? on Cars Yeah here: Cars Yeah Guests