I have some rather bad news to report. I was arrested two days ago on a traffic stop. Three government unmarked cars stopped me at a check point in the road, a block away from where I live. They asked for I.D. and one official looked at the other, and said, “He’s the one.”

“Officer, what’s going on”, I said calmly. After all, I had done nothing to warrant this, I thought.

“You have been under surveillance for several months on the Internet. Your messages are those of a homegrown terrorist, inciting riots across this country. Many are taking your words to heart, and are staging demonstrations in front of the White House and at various State Headquarters throughout the country.

“The President has been in touch with Homeland Security and your name was personally handed over to us from him. You are what we call an insurgent. Step out of your car slowly. Do you have any weapons on your person or in your possession?"

“Sir, I don’t even own a pea shooter, squirt gun, or even a sling shot.”

“Mack, we have a smart aleck here; put the cuffs on him.” Everything after this was a blur. They made me drink some strange liquid and then I passed out. I guess they figured I’d give them trouble on the way to jail. When I woke up I was in good company. Numerous friends from my hometown were all sitting in these crowded cells around me.

“Can anyone tell me where we are, and why we are here in this place together?”

“Some of us were arrested in a church that we were attending. Not all members were brought here, just the devout ones that didn't run away, I’d say.”

“Dan, we are all part of a group called Rebel Insurgents. Other than commenting on line, regarding the Presidents strange behavior lately, we’ve really done nothing wrong. They are cracking down on free speech, and anyone who names the name of Christ has been jailed also. The latter is referred to as a Hate crime. Anyone even carrying a Bible will be hauled in also.”

A voice called out from the other room. “How many want to denounce this fictitious God and you will go free.” After fifteen minutes, no one responded.

“If I deny Jesus Christ, he will in turn deny me. No thank you.” That triggered their anger, I guess, as they came into the cell, and dragged me to solitary quarters that measured five foot by five foot and five in size. I could sit up, I just couldn’t comfortably lie down; being five four myself.

“Another sound out of you, and you'll feel the whip on your bare back.” All that could be heard for the next hour were crickets. I kinda got used to them visiting me in my cell. It was like music after a while.

When it was time for water, they threw it at my face, and I had to leave my mouth open to catch any. Then they tossed in a few raw vegetables, like when you throw a dog a bone. These, I got used to after a while also.

All any of us could do now was wait it out. A guard then dragged me out of the cell and into an open courtyard. There, lined up against one of the fences, were all of my neighbors. The head guard then shouted to me. “This is what will happen, if you open your mouth again against the president and his progressive policies. All those listening to you and rioting will be shot in your presence. You then understand, that will make you the murderer."

Suddenly a hundred shells of gunfire were flying in the air toward my neighbors. All of them fell dead to the ground. Then I fell, as if dead, to the ground in a puddle of my own tears. I wrote this letter to convince you not to email or Facebook me ever again. I don’t want your blood on my hands. They are letting me go home tomorrow, if I will swear to not speak along these lines anymore.

They had busted up my computer and destroyed my phone. I could still have a phone, but it had to be one they issued, and I’m sure they bugged it also.

- Not The End -

*************** I wish I could say with real certainty that this could never be a true story. We have enjoyed our freedoms for so long, and many of us have taken them for granted. The lies have been swirling as you are aware, and the American people are all up in arms about the illegals at our borders that are being sanctioned to come into our country, and their fingerprints and their I.D, is not being recorded.

The president is presently flying them in in droves, and we will have to just go along with it, or there will be Federal charges and consequences. That’s the way a law works. We have to all follow his new laws, making the story above not too far fetched. Many in our country are learning to shoot a firearm, and gun sales are through the roof. However, the Federal government is also buying up huge stockpiles of weaponry also. Is this to protect against foreign enemies? NO, it is to ward off homegrown insurgents, like the people in our tale above.

See the next piece to follow:  HERE   


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