Insurers Must Comply With California SIU and Claims Regulations by September
Barry Zalma, Esq., CFE
Insurance claims expert, consultant at Barry Zalma, Inc. and author/Publisher at ClaimSchool, Inc.
California Claims Regulations
Posted on July 25, 2022 by Barry Zalma
SIU Regulations
Insurers licensed or operating in California must file their SIU annual reports by Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022 or face fines.
Insurers licensed or operating in California must file their SIU annual reports by Wednesday, Sept. 28, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara reminded insurers recently. Failing to file by the 11:59 pm deadline may lead to fines or other regulatory actions. Information about the annual report requirement is available on the CDI website. Insurers may access an electronic portal to file reports.
If you are not ready you need the information and forms provided by my book California SIU Regulations 2020 which includes the training materials required to comply with the training requirements of the SIU Regulations before the deadline.
Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations 2022
Insurers licensed or operating in California must ascertain that their entire claims staff has read, understood or be trained about the California Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations by September 1 of Each Year and be ready to swear under oath that the Regulation has been complied with by the insurer.
Knowledge of the requirements of the Regulations is important to everyone involved in the business of insurance whether as an insurance adjuster, insurance claims management, public insurance adjuster, policyholder, defense lawyer, insurance coverage lawyer, and policyholder’s lawyer.
One way for claims personnel to fulfill the requirements of the law may read my book “California Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations 2022” which is now available as a Kindle Book and available as a Paper Back.
All my books are available at