Well, national insurance company ads are no longer about insurance. They are about everything but insurance. But insurance companies pay for these ads. Why? Because insurance is boring. Everybody knows that!! The new ads grab the attention of potential customers and work.
No more insurance technical ads by me. Here is my first new age ad!! This ad features my character. Something that drives my insurance persona.
This past year I went with my family on a vacation to Hawaii. Beautiful warm Hawaii. My wife. My daughter. My son in law. And me. Of course I willingly picked up all charges. Everything.
Waikiki was beautiful. Nice hotel. Good food. Great. The first dark cloud came to me at the beach. The water was rough. I couldn't stand up in the water. What's with that. But I persisted as I do in providing excellent customer service in my agency.
Another dark cloud came on the second day or should I say a burning hot debilitating sun day. My group decided they would climb Diamond Head. Sounded ok. So we went. It was hot. And it was a mountain. It was horrible. Struggled to almost the top. Returned in delirious condition. Was revived by large cup of pineapple shaved ice. But I got it done. I stuck with it as I would stick with you in getting you the best insurance.
The next day we went to Maui and my group decided to do a guided trip to the top of a mountain to watch the sun rise. Sounded good to me. Got out of bed at 2:00 A.M. Got on a bus. Stopped at a convenience store. Everyone was directed to buy ginger candy for the purpose of preventing or minimizing motion sickness. What??
Now remember this is Hawaii. Warm. Comfortable. Heaven. So I wore my shorts. Who would do anything else? We drove to the top of the mountain in the dark. Could not see anything. Got off the bus. And guess what the temperature was? 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It was so cold. I never have been so cold in my life. Colder than my Air Force days in Maine. And all my days in New England. What?? This was supposed to be Hawaii. I stuck with it just as I would stick with you as your insurance agent. Got through that. Did not quite freeze to death.
The next day we went snorkeling. Very warm. Nice boat. I am not that good of a swimmer. They attached, I think they were balloons, to my body in every possible way. I floated without any effort. I floated everywhere. I thought I was going to end up in Japan. I got through this episode. I did not drown. Once again I persisted as I would as your insurance agent.
And the last episode and the most challenging was a hike through the tropical rain forest in Maui. They said it was an easy to moderate hike. Sounded good go to me. They asked me to sign something that disclaimed any liability by the tour company for my good life. Of course I signed the paper delirious with anticipation. They gave us special shoes that they said would be helpful to us in the wet forest.
So we started walking. First there was mud. So much that I was frequently unable to move at all. No problem. Then there was walking across dam walls that were no more than two feet wide with raging water below. Hmm. I hate heights. I was beginning to have doubts. Then came the opportunity to jump off an eighty foot cliff into very small pool of water. No way Jose!! I did not do that. Then the next step was to climb another cliff using a rope only. I did it. I don't know how. And finally we completed the hike. I stuck with it as I would stick to getting you the best insurance coverage possible at the best price.
Other than that the restaurants and craft beer in Hawaii were great. Pearl Harbor was beyond moving. I cried like a bay.
That's about it. Give me a call if you need someone to really look at your auto, home or business insurance and make sure you have good insurance. You will not be surprised that I will get that done.
Call me at 774-274-2178 of e-mail me.
Thank you,
Bob Wychulis CPCU, AAI, FLMI