Insurance at its best,"Nyatak"
looking for the best price, got news for you, "I thought I bought Insurance"
There's no better example, than "You get what you pay for". My girlfriend's whole family has Geico and I've tried to talk her into moving on to a company that does more than just make phone calls when you have an accident, I have a motorcycle and wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole because I know better. The quintessential scenario, we've all had them. Someone hits your vehicle, says its your fault, you say its his and everything is determined by the cop that shows up at the scene, and who makes the best impression. So you call up your insurance company and no matter what you say, you are responsible to pay the the $500.00 deductible because you can't really prove your case, and the only thing the adjustor will tell you is what the other insurance co's claimant said "It was your fault". So at a minimum at least your auto insurer's auto investigation consisted of a phone call from your insurer to the opposing driver who all of a sudden is claiming everyone in the opposing auto is visiting the chiropractor while all you have is a busted tail light and some minor bumper damage. So I step in because he's my buddy, and one of my specialties was debunking phony auto accidents and personal injury claims. My locus scene investigations done with a labor of love and really are a work of art. The opposing driver claimed that my buddy Jay came from a gas station enter only passageway and that he was struck by the opposing driver on the opposite side of the street over the yellow line while Jay was making a left hand turn. Luckily, Jay was smart enough to take great photos at the scene, which showed damage and impact points of both vehicles, the opposing vehicles skid marks and debris from the accident indicating where the impact occurred, During, my locus scene investigation I observed and obtained video showing there was a build up of traffic causing some impulsive driver's to speed up and drive on the wrong side of the road to drive to around the blockage, which is where the impact occurred Although the passageway from the gas station was a "enter only", there were no visible signs posted, and the only indication of the "enter only" intent were two very faded almost invisible arrows on the pavement at the edge of the entrance way. So I was able to identify a subrogation liability scenario which Geico could have capitalized to mitigate their losses. had they actually conducted an investigation. I had about 40 hours in my investigation and final report which Geico wouldn't pay for. I enjoyed the challenge of conducting another interesting Locus investigation, and saved my buddy his $500.00 deductible, but Geico never paid for the damage to his vehicle. There was actually video at the gas station , but Geico was too lazy to subpeona the video, They weren't interested in subrogation, too much work and litigation costs money. I would do it all over again to help my buddy and now I get to tell the truth and expose what a scam their insurance product is. All Geico does is processes the claim and collect the money. My experience is , "There is no investigation, and there is no insurance"! Cheapest rate though. What a deal? I can tell my story, which I hope some will benefit from, with no worries, because I have a very detailed locus accident scene investigation report to back up and its the truth. Anyone who would like a copy of the report could see what a really good accident scene investigation really looks like. And all Geico had to do to own it, was to do the right thing and they didn't! Hope this improves their bottom line profits and loss pay ratios! Here's a great slogan for you! "WE BUY YOU DENY".