Insurance Adjusters Positioned to Thrive Today and Tomorrow in Post-COVID Economy

Insurance Adjusters Positioned to Thrive Today and Tomorrow in Post-COVID Economy

“Every adversity contains, at the same time, a seed of equivalent opportunity!” - Napoleon Hill

As many sectors of the economy continue to reel from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, others are experiencing sky-high demand and record profits. Not surprisingly, shipping giants such as Amazon and UPS, grocery stores and digital content providers are booming. But there’s an overlooked industry – with in-demand careers that can pay more than $100,000 per year – experiencing a boom of its own: insurance adjusting. 

So how have insurance adjusters weathered the economic downturn better than others?

Think about it: multiple hurricanes impacting the Gulf coast and Atlantic seaboard (with more on the way), five of the six largest wildfires in California history currently raging out of control, a freak wind event that resulted in millions of dollars in damage in the Midwest over the summer, combined with the day-to-day demands of an already undermanned workforce have resulted in too much work and not enough qualified people to do the job. It’s a perfect storm of demand outweighing supply. The industry is in dire need of good new adjusters. We simply can’t keep up with the demand right now. 

The money isn’t bad either. 

If you’re looking for an immediate bang for your buck, you can’t go wrong with a license in insurance adjusting. To get licensed in Texas, for instance, will set you back a few hundred dollars for 2 weeks of online training and another hundred to submit for licensure to the state. The whole process is roughly $500 and can get you your license in hand within 4 weeks. Costs are similar, if not cheaper, in other states. Once you have that license, you can begin working right away. Adjusters just getting started may get called to adjust claims in a call center or assist a veteran adjuster to gain experience, but even these entry level positions can begin at $60K-$70K per year, while adjusters deployed to work catastrophic jobs can make as much as $2,000 per day for months at a time. Some of the more productive adjusters have earned over $200,000 in their first year of operation! 

Looking at today’s job market, there are few well-paying jobs that require so little upfront investment. 

Those who are currently unemployed, underemployed or maybe just looking for a change, should seriously consider pursuing a career in this exciting field. The insurance industry is overwhelmed and desperate for more help. More importantly, communities suffering from disasters can’t rebuild without licensed adjusters on the ground. They are vital to recovery efforts.

And, a career as an insurance adjuster is secure and long-term. In the case of catastrophic events, the job may require many years of processing claims. Current adjusters in Louisiana assessing damage from Hurricane Laura, for example, have reported that they expect to be in the state well into 2021. Estimates from the California wildfires are expected to take much longer. And with a changing climate predicted to wreak havoc on global weather patterns for the foreseeable future, the demand for these skills should be uninterrupted for years to come. In other words, if you’re looking for a short-term opportunity or long-term stability in today’s otherwise unpredictable economy, you’ll definitely check the box as a professional adjuster.  

In today’s high-demand environment, new adjusters are deployed shortly after licensure. Adjusters who are persistent in communicating with potential employers and continue to work to add state licenses and certifications while they await that first call, can find themselves working within weeks, sometimes days of getting their license in hand. 

That’s not to say the job is easy. It’s anything but. Catastrophe claims work can involve long days, can be physically taxing in often inhospitable conditions, and requires learning a lot of unfamiliar skills under tight deadlines. In short, it’s not for everyone. But if you’re not afraid of hard work, don’t mind functioning in a sometimes-chaotic environment, and enjoy helping others get back on their feet then this job may be the right fit for you. 

There are several things that accelerate the call for a deployment. Right now, adjusters are deployed more quickly if they have previous job experience in the industry, claims-handling software proficiency, or a background in a related job field such as construction, real estate, home improvement, or auto repair. More important than anything, however, is that you’re a self starter and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. We’ve had hundreds of adjusters come through our program who thrived simply because they poured themselves into the job and took nothing for granted, despite their unfamiliarity with the industry. The bottom line is, if you’re hungry, you’ll be successful. 

But don’t take my word for it. Take Bettina’s (Read Bettina's Story). She’s been working in the field for several years now and loves what she does. We’ve heard from hundreds of adjusters like her over the years and they all have essentially the same feedback: ‘I should have pursued this opportunity sooner’, seems to be the common refrain. 

For the millions of workers eager to be productive again, nearing the end of their unemployment benefits, or just looking for a rewarding new career, I urge you to consider insurance adjusting as not just a short-term solution that will carry you through the tough times but also a sustainable, meaningful and potentially lucrative career. Or maybe you’re just looking for a new adventure. Either way, you’ll get that and more in this gratifying and still largely undiscovered occupation. In my 15 years working in this industry, I’ve never seen such a pressing demand for the skills insurance adjusters bring to the table. 

The need is there. Are you ready to answer the call?

Melissa Brittain is the CEO of Adjuster Pro, an online Insurance Adjuster Licensing & Compliance Platform. For more information on how you can get started in a career in adjusting, please visit their website @ or call 214-329-9030.


