Insurance is the Achilles Heel of Florida's Economy. Climate Change is the Poisoned Arrow.
Chunka Mui
Futurist and Innovation Advisor @ Future Histories Group | Keynote Speaker and Award-winning Author
New research shows that some 150 million people across the globe are now living on land that will be below the high-tide line by 2050.
That far-off date, huge number and uncertain location are probably too abstract and distant to matter to most, but here's another way to look at it:
You, your friends or your loved ones might already be living too close to the rising high-tide line in Florida. What’s more, the fate of Florida’s citizens, homes, towns, businesses and overall economy depend on decisions being made right now on 30-year mortgages and bonds that will be critically impaired by that 2050 high-tide line.
Once investors and insurers decide that the value of too many 30-year mortgages face an unacceptable level of risk, many mortgages (including yours?) will go underwater or even be thrown into default. Even worse for the rest of Florida, financing for new long-term mortgages, utility debt offerings, and municipal bonds for schools, roads, bridges, sewers, etc., will dry up. That in turn will deflate real estate values overall and crush the backbone of the Florida economy—and send Florida into a deep and costly tailspin.
It could happen next month, next year or a few more years out; but—on our present course—it is sure to happen much sooner than 2050. More enlightened self-interest on the part of investors and insurers, however, could avert the worse case scenarios and help guide Florida and the rest of us to a better future.
In some ways, Florida is the canary in our climate change coal mine. Climate changes are hitting it sooner and harder because its geography and economy make it especially vulnerable.
Florida’s geographic vulnerability is starkly illustrated by the water problems in Miami. Miami, like most of Florida, is built on porous limestone bedrock near sea level. And the sea is rising. That raising sea is already pushing saltwater and toxic chemicals into the fresh water supply, disabling septic tanks, damaging sewer systems and overwhelming flood control systems. Such fragility makes Miami and the rest of Florida even more vulnerable to extreme storms, flooding and heat. (Sad aside: Florida’s porous bedrock precludes using Netherlands-inspired sea walls to keep the ocean out—the salty water will simply seep through the limestone and sewers.)
Here’s how the hazards of a wetter, hotter, saltier and more volatile climate threaten Florida’s real estate, and why investors and insurers are key.
If real estate is Florida’s growth engine, financing is the fuel and insurance is the lubricant. 30-year mortgages and long-term municipal bonds fuel home purchases and infrastructure projects, such as schools, roads and sewer systems. Insurance lubricates the system by managing risk to the underlying assets and guaranteeing that bond holders will get paid. Thus, real estate values in 30 years and the impact of that value on new development, property tax revenue, etc., are here-and-now questions for investors and insurers actively buying and underwriting 30-year debt today. Negative sentiments affecting either the fuel or the lubricant would quickly slow the real estate market and devastate the state’s economy.
For now, investors are happily fueling the engine. A recent BlackRock study of the $3.8 trillion municipal bond market concluded that investors are not differentiating between offerings with high and low climate risks. Some mortgage lenders are craftier about climate risk. They not only recognize climate risk, they are actively investing while shielding themselves from it—at taxpayers’ expense. A recent paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research described how banks are shifting riskier mortgages—such as those in coastal areas—off their books and over to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie and Freddie are by regulation prohibited from considering climate risk in their pricing.
Insurance is Florida’s Achilles Heel, however. Investors will continue to invest in 30-year Florida debt as only long as insurers continue to insure those investments.
A worst-case scenario was bracingly laid out by Spencer Glendon at the recent Sohn Investment Conference and in related interviews, such as here.
Glendon points out that Florida’s mortgage debt is underwritten by annual insurance. So, while mortgage and bond holders accept 30-year terms, hazard insurers make only one-year commitments. As losses mount or insurers get more sophisticated at estimating potential losses, insurance will get more and more expensive. If current behavior continues, Glendon predicts that “insurance markets will dry up” long before Florida is under water.
An insurance crunch would not only throw existing mortgages into default; it would dry up financing for new debt offerings—unaffordable insurance means no new mortgages or bonds—and send Florida’s economy into a deep spiral. As Glendon observed:
They are utterly dependent on real estate. When real estate even slows in Florida, the economy will go to hell. When will this happen? It can happen tomorrow. As soon as people stop lending for 30 years. As soon as Moody’s starts asking about municipal bond financing. [Florida] could be in big trouble quickly.
Lest you think that Glendon’s scenario is far-fetched, consider that many in the insurance industry, including giants like Munich Re, Aon, Allstate and the members of the Climate Wise alliance, are issuing warnings about climate-change related losses and rising insurance prices. Munich Re has warned about the societal unrest as insurance becomes unaffordable.
Experience shows that insurance crunches can be sudden and painful, as it was with the liability insurance crisis of the 1980s. Sudden and soaring increases in liability insurance rates forced, as The New York Times observed, “cutbacks in the operations of everything from school districts and local governments to bowling alleys and day-care centers.” The crisis got so bad that it earned a Time cover.
It doesn’t have to play out that way, however.
Rather than blithely marching towards a crunch, investors and insurers can be instrumental in guiding Florida (and the rest of us) towards a better future—and thus voiding the costly one that Glendon paints.
Investors can get smarter about where they invest now, and at what price. For example, BlackRock has developed big data and climate analytics tools that give investors the ability to precisely analyze and manage climate risks for three kinds of location-specific, long-term debt: U.S. municipal bonds, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) and electric utilities.
Likewise, insurers can get much more precise about measuring and projecting wind, flood, fire and other climate-related risk—and rewarding those who invest in hazard mitigation. Innovators like Spatialkey, Hazardhub and reThought Insurance are developing increasingly sophisticated data-driven tools to better understand risk. Coastal Risk is aiming to provide comprehensive of current and future flood risk for every address in the U.S.
By being clear-eyed about current and future climate-related risks at a precise level—and pricing that risk accordingly—investors and insurers can better manage their own exposures.
They also gain an informed basis for engaging other investors, local politicians, bond issuers, developers and even homeowners on climate resiliency. They can demand adaptation plans for dealing with aging infrastructure, rising seas, hurricane-force winds, wildfires, flooding and other extreme events. As the folks at Coastal Risk argue, “Resilience begins with understanding your risks.”
Perhaps most importantly, enlightened investor self-interest could be a powerful forcing function on policymakers to enact the structural reforms of markets and regulation needed to mitigate and adapt to the far-reaching consequences of climate change. Even the Federal Reserve sees the need to do so. But, no headway is likely in the face of political gridlock. Unfortunately, most politicians and policymakers act as if what happens 30 years from now will be somebody else’s problem. Investors can help make politicians feel the pain of that problem now, and therefore encourage them to start dealing with it.
When asked what investors should do today to avoid his doomsday scenario, Glendon replied:
Beg for regulation. If you think that markets are a great idea, then you should want them regulated [to address climate change] so that they continue to exist.
These might be difficult conversations, but better to force them now than wait for the insurance crunch to hit.
Saving Florida depends on what investors and insurers start doing now—way before most Floridians otherwise feel the worse of what climate change has to offer.
Doing so in Florida, where the financial stakes are so high, would also help pave the way for action in other threatened areas as well.
What a tremendous way for innovators and entrepreneurs in finance and insurance industries to make a positive dent in the universe.
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I write, speak and advise on the digital future. I'm the author of four books on technology and innovation. This article is updated from one originally published at Forbes. To be notified about future articles, follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website.
Futurist and Innovation Advisor @ Future Histories Group | Keynote Speaker and Award-winning Author
5 年California is a canary, too.
Chunka, I live in FL and dont sense the same panic you hear about. I was in Miami couple of weeks ago and amazed at all the new commercial development. Even the port of Miami is seeing new Norwegian and Virgin terminals. May be they are amortizing it over 10 years, not 30 but I wonder what architects and real estate folks know that we dont???
Futurist and Innovation Advisor @ Future Histories Group | Keynote Speaker and Award-winning Author
5 年Paul Carroll?offers some smart thoughts on this topic here: ? Some highlights: ?"The Florida economy depends on its real estate values, and we don't have to go far into the past to find perilous analogies, where banks made long-term commitments based on short-term borrowing, only to see short-term rates soar. The answer would seem to be two-fold. First, those making the commitments to repay the bonds and mortgages will want insurance innovators to set premiums that bridge the one-year versus 30-year disparity, ideally offering a 30-year insurance contract. Easier said than done, right? So, second, innovators will need to become far, far better at predicting climate change so that rates can be based on projections, not irrelevant historical data, and so that municipalities, builders and prospective property owners can get economic signals about projects they should avoid."
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5 年Adaptation is the key,Building resilient houses,Maybe A Venice city.Gondola housing.