An Insult To The Pigs
This change in weather certainly had me more bundled up whenever outdoors, and since I had to make a quick run out into the countryside this morning, I made sure to dress warmly just in case I'd be out in the wind longer than expected. My goodness! I couldn't believe the number of female deer I noticed running around, which means come this Spring, there'll be over twice more. You do remember me saying that after their first birth year, a female will more often have two fawns. Well, if the price of meat skyrockets, at least there's local meat on the hoof to be had.
On my way back, I stopped at a Casey's to pick up a half cup of coffee, and as chance would have it, I ran into two of our business people, and one of them happens to be a person whom I believe would make a great politician to run against Ashley Hinson who's our district's U.S. Representative. All the markings of a good Rep are there, and especially that key element which is charisma. They thought I was teasing about running, but I was dead serious. Having worked with the crosscut of society for great many years, I dare say I'm pretty good at judging character.
Once back at office, I grabbed my music folio and headed over to First Presbyterian Church to get some additional practicing done on their grand piano and massive electronic organ. The bulk of my practicing was done on a very jazzy piece which is still going to take some time to have it in my zone of comfort. I will say the more I play their organ, the more comfortable I've become with it. I now have the settings just about where I like them, so we'll see how tomorrow goes.
After grabbing a quick lunch/snack at a drive-thru, I returned to office once more, just to get changed into my work clothes and head over to my extended project where I worked for a good three hours, and just about the entire time, I was thinking about what the long term effects are going to be with all these radical changes our Government is making under the direction of our POTUS. My heart goes out to all those many good people who're financially struggling, because unbeknownst to them, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. I don't care what anyone says, we have too many billionaires thinking they know what's best for the average citizen.
I did finally get a response on the offer I had yesterday, and wouldn't you know, the counter-offer came back far higher than we were expecting, and for good reason because there were no visible improvements made on the home since it was purchased around four years ago, but now expecting to get $40K more for it, and especially considering how much higher our interests rates are now compared to four years ago. Good Heavens! Shortly afterwards, I was sent a text from the listing agent saying there's now another offer on it, so we're now in the 'highest and best' period. Thank goodness my buyer isn't impetuous because he came back with what he believed his highest offer would be regardless of there being another competing offer. I have this 'feeling' the other buyer will end up with it, so we'll see what Monday brings.
Before heading home, I decided to stop at Aldi's since I'd not been there for some weeks, just to see if they had any bargains, and about all I could find was a few items that were priced below Fareway and Hy-Vee's. It really surprised me when seeing so few people there because normally Saturday afternoon is when all our area workers are out shopping. I only noticed one Hispanic couple in the entire store. Hmm...I wonder why.
When visiting with someone yesterday who's very much in the know regarding the growth cycles of cities, it was mentioned that Clinton and Mason City seem to be following the same path, so I did a little research on that river town, and to my surprise I found that both cities have had a fifty year period of declining population, which should make our city 'fathers' set up and take notice, but on the flip-side of it all, just this past week, I was bombarded with phone calls and emails from prospective tenants looking for affordable housing. I dare say those numbers were likely the highest I've even seen in such a short period of time.
I also had a very soulful conversation with another person who's been closely watching the number of homes that've been 'flipped' since the pandemic began, and from the sounds of it, calling them lipsticked pigs, would've been an insult to the pigs. Yes, from what I heard, some of them have been that bad. Wow!
Tonight's One-liner is: Good environmental policy is a good economic policy.
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