Instructions fade away; habits stays! Forever!
How long your new year's resolutions last? A day? A week? A month? And how do you feel after that?
We all want to change our ways, our habits. And we know how difficult it can be changing yourself when nothing around you has changed.
Boot-camps teach you the tricks, but if you do not pursue, you go back to your own ways. Habits, if you acquire and continue, will remain with you for your life - or at least for a longer time! During the next year, 2017, I will taking a small team of people, who want their resolutions to stick, and acquire new habits, through a journey to ensure this! It will be a small group of 25 members who would share their experience with each other, their frustrations and their achievements. We will work together through our successes and help each other recover from their failures!
And at the end of 12 months, you will be a proud owner of 12 new habits. Which will be with you for life!
See more details here and follow this page for more information. Please remember this page turns in a closed group on Jan 01, 2017 exclusively for the members who have signed for it!