Are Institutions Capitalizing on Open Banking Branch Experience Opportunities?
Open Banking, soon to become a standard in North America, will make financial institutions genuinely seamless.
Why it Matters?
As we enter the next decade, Open Banking will accelerate from the regulatory to the implementation stages in North America. Look no further than Europe for positive clues to the impact on consumer banking, with now more than 63 million Open Banking users led by the UK, followed by Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The EU continues to evolve its program by introducing its PSD3 program in 2026, further elevating and standardizing practices. The US timeframe follows that of the EU with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act, which will allow by 2026 consumers greater control over their financial data. The big difference between the EU is the premise that the U.S. model is industry versus government-led, enabling market forces to help shape the standards. Canada is also following suit as part of a multi-phase approach with full deployment in 2025 and combines the best of the EU and US frameworks.?
Greater Context
Open banking will significantly impact how institutions provide services and retain customer loyalty. The platform will usher in a genuinely seamless banking experience by allowing streamlined access to multiple financial services from different providers through a single platform. With the average customer holding two or more financial accounts, some of which are provided by fintech companies, this more efficient and user-friendly experience will accelerate the decline of branch visits for transactional reasons. However, not all is lost for financial institutions well-positioned to leverage the wealth of customer data they capture by converting these into personalized services and products, adding a new layer of stickiness to their primary institution. Open banking will also continue accelerating the collaboration between fintech and financial institutions, offering new services unavailable due to scale or cost. Mobile will become the hub as it continues to dominate as the primary channel for transactional banking. Open Banking will continue to shift usage to this platform, providing greater convenience in the customer’s hand.
Three Opportunities to Leverage the Branch Network
With many institutions revisiting their branch network towards smaller, more efficient experiences, we have identified three significant opportunities to leverage the impact of Open Banking around an intertwined triad of human, physical, and digital experiences, namely:
In summary, open banking is set to redefine the branch experience by making banking more accessible, personalized, and competitive. As banks adapt to these changes, they will likely focus on enhancing customer relationships and providing value-added services through better employee engagement, seamless digital channels, and advice-centric physical locations. However, focusing solely on digital will open Pandora’s box of attrition, as many of our studies have noted that the most loyal customers are those who leverage the institution’s banking channels.