Living on the island of Bermuda when I was six years old, I remember a time when I went swimming. My parents were close by on the beach. Still, I could not really swim yet. I did not have swimming lessons, unlike my sister that was two years older than me. I was playing in the waves when a big wave came in across the shoreline and swallowed me up. The beaches on Bermuda are dangerous places for non-swimmers. I remember feeling scared and helpless when I was swallowed up by the huge and strong wave. It felt like I was in a washing machine. My instinct told me not to do anything - but to remain calm underwater. Luckily the wave that took me, also spit me out. I remember feeling a sense of relief that I was out from under the wave. My parents on the beach did not notice I was gone, as the wave took me away in a split second and probably spit me back out again in another split second - but at forty nine years old now - I can still remember the experience. #Bermuda #Instinct #Swimming #Wave #Beach #danger