Instead of Complaining: Offer Solutions

Yes, there are many great things in the world and even in the United States, but there are also problems and issues. The United States, at one time, had even a higher level of people volunteering, and solving problems or concerns. We have become complacent in the U.S.; the same people go up to local city councils complaining about the same issue or topic. 

These citizens to be heard before city council has been going up to speak on the same issue or topic for not just years, but many years. When these same people to talk about the same subject or problem, some of the council's members get on their cell phone, start to read the paperwork they, have, or get up and leave, some are so bored they fall asleep. These same people that go before the local city council speak on the same issue or topic even every week; these speakers get upset and say it is citizens to be ignored. 

Yes, these elected city officials should listen every time, even if they heard the same speech over a dozen times; the problem is they are human too! These elected officials hear the same person speak every week; they get bored like anyone else. The topic of removing statutes because the speaker says it is offensive or represents discrimination. We can remove all the statutes, but we cannot remove history. To rename a street or park will cost thousands of dollars; dollars better served in helping the homeless of helping the poor pay their utilities.

These speakers have the same right like you or anyone else to be heard by local city officials, but many of these people continue to complain about the same issue or topic every time they speak, but will never offer a plan or solutions. We, as citizens, need to plan, if we are going to complain, we need to provide solutions to the issue or problem. 

An example is the immigration issues that the United States is facing now, and want city councils to ignore or enforce federal policies. What these protestors come before a television camera to give their statement, they get their fifteen minutes of fame today, and tomorrow it is history and forgotten. These protest speakers need to offer suggestions, ideas, or solutions to improve the immigration issues to provide social services, and volunteer, instead of just complaining.

Some of these speakers see that they are fighting for a cause, but have no plan or solution to resolve the issues or problems to a cause. Before we go before city council to complain, we need to offer advice, plans projects to provide a fixable solution; maybe next time city council will not get bored, ignore the speaker, and fall asleep. The government will not have all the answers to the issues or problems; it's up to the citizens to bring ideas to the city council. Instead of complaining, let's develop ideas, plans, and solutions to solve problems because the government will not have all the answers, the citizens will have the solutions.


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