Instead Of Binging On Netflix, Binge On This

Instead Of Binging On Netflix, Binge On This

Here's an email that I got a few weeks back from Pam, regarding my Marc Mawhinney Minute flash briefings:


Hi Marc,

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy listening to your podcasts - and have just listened to all 42 Alexa quickies in one binge session - think I'm hooked! So happy you have them all laid out so easily for access on your website.

Thanks again,



You're welcome, Pam. 

Since people are so tight on time nowadays, they seem to appreciate stuff that's short and to-the-point. 

I've now released 63 little episodes, and you can devour them all in the amount of time it would take to listen to two normal length podcasts. 

Binge on them here: 


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