Instantly transform your lead generation...
Working in sales every day has made me hyper-interested and very aware when it comes to lead generation - it's frustrating to so many clients - paying exorbitant PPC or Facebook rates and getting weak leads they can't get hold of or simply paying a fortune to be besieged by 'tyre kickers' etc...
When I saw what Elastic Lemon, a performance marketing agency - were doing with Programmatic advertising, I was really intrigued - that led to being really impressed!
If you seriously want more of the right people considering your business for their next purchase you really need to read on...
Traditional advertising was like selling garden furniture to people in high rise apartments!
You reached a lot of people but not always the right people.
Programmatic marketing changes all that like night and day.
You the advertiser connect with your consumers, one-to-one - here's how it works:
ABC Garden Furniture wants to sell more benches and garden tables - so it engages Elastic Lemon′s programmatic marketing platform to identify consumers likely to be interested in what they sell, using demographics, geography, type of residence, interests, behaviours, previous browsing history, previous online purchase history, time of day, weather, device and more, you get the picture...
John and Mary from London, begin reading a popular home and garden blog online.
Anonymous data and cookies are sent from John and Mary′s browser to Elastic Lemon′s DSP (demand side platform) this is where the ad buying happens.
An automated online auction starts for the right-to-buy an ad impression to deliver to John and Mary at the exact time they are reading the blog!
Elastic Lemon′s DSP bids based upon how closely John and Mary match ABC Furniture′s target customer.
If Elastic Lemon wins the virtual auction, ABC Furniture′s advertisement is shown to John and Mary whilst they're reading the blog.
All this happens in a nano-second.
The ad client, ABC Garden Furniture - can personalise advertising based upon individual consumer interests, buying history and behaviours - think of it like everyone on a train reading the same newspaper but all receiving completely different advertisements based solely upon what is of interest to them and what they've purchased before!
You the advertiser reduce your costs by showing the right ads to the right people at the right time!
This means more meaningful engagements, more real enquiries and more sales - it's beautifully simple, yet hugely effective!
Elastic Lemon can start your campaign today from just £500!
Message me to find out more...