Instant Friends
I have done enough of these now that I have forgotten them. Yet every time I open one up I am right back in that place again, with the person, as if it were yesterday. If I could do one thing for the rest of my life it would be these, ODES, because they incorporate everything I love about being alive. I get to meet people, I get to know people, I get to help them figure out who they are.
An ODE is a peek inside yourself where you both look forward and back through the lens of now. You take a photograph, add some personal history, and sprinkle in a little personal philosophy. Viola. It’s sort of instant friendship. Just add water.
I took this photo of Christine in the Poetry Room at City Lights Books in San Francisco. The light in that space is so good. The energy is even better. It was a good backdrop for her. She talks a little bit about a book that changed her life. A book called Touch the Earth. So this is sort of perfect. And we didn’t even plan it that way. It just happened. Which is how all these ODES unfold. They just happen.