Installing Volatility2 in Kali Nethunter
I have been experimenting with Kali Nethunter Rootless recently. I thought of installing DFIR tools in it so I can use them when playing CTFs.
So here I am going to share how I installed Volatility2 in Kali Nethunter. Please note I don't think ARM devices can handle huge memory dumps, even checking profile of a 32MB Memory dump took quiet lot time with my phone. But it works ??
My Phone Specs are :-
Processor : Qualcomm Snapdragon 636
Ram : 6 GB
I followed this cool article to get volatility 2 installed in Nethunter. But it works well on PC , in Nethunter I had issues with yara modules. They didn't worked well. So after some time I found a fix. Follow the below steps :-
- sudo apt install -y build-essential git libdistorm3-dev yara libraw1394-11 libcapstone-dev capstone-tool tzdata libjpeg-dev
- sudo apt install -y python2 python2.7-dev libpython2-dev
- curl --output
- sudo python2
- python2 -m pip install -U distorm3 yara-python pycrypto pillow openpyxl ujson pytz ipython capstone
- sudo python2 -m pip install yara-python
- sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ /usr/lib/
- python2 -m pip install -U git+
BEFORE getting yara modules fixed. You can see lots of errors at the top. When I followed the article I couldn't get , I tried searching entire root directory but couldn't find it. Then after researching found out the correct library was yara-python. Idk why yara library works well in PC though.
As you can see , No Errors and I can do yarascan too.
Hope you enjoyed this article.