Installing (new) Threshold Markers on a grass Runway
Back in late 2017 and as part of the regrading works, it was decided to remove the old “Chalk” Runway designators and reinstall them in concrete.
The overall aim was the remove some of the non-level ground that had formed around the threshold, improve the drainage and move the position of the threshold & runway corner markers (effectively shortening the Runway by ~30M) so that we no longer had a permanent infringement on Runway 20's approach that we could do nothing about.
The old threshold was removed during the grading works (the easy bit) and once the ground had settled enough (around 8 months later) my team had the massive task of marking out and reinstating the new threshold.
Before cutting any turf and after referencing CAP168, a scale drawing of the new threshold was drawn up in Microsoft Excel allowing for multiple measurements to be taken. This allowed us to make sure the threshold markers would not only be the correct size but also straight to the Runway alignment.
Using lots of rope, spray paint and a drone to check the overall 'template on the ground' the turf was then cut (thankfully via mini digger!) and prepped for the dropping of concrete.
Next came the most labour intensive part of the job.
Premixed concrete was ordered and delivered, however, the waggon dropping the concrete could only go as far as the A2 Hold (due to the driver not wanting to take the waggon onto the grass), meaning that the concrete had to be transferred by tractor bucket each time crossing our main Runway.
Each crossing had to be timed to perfection so that the mix did not start to set in the tractor bucket and also so that the crossing did not conflict with aircraft using the Runway! (each one co-ordinated by our ATS team).
Sadly, I have forgotten how many trips were made, however after a very long day the threshold markers, edge and corner markers where finally taking shape!
I hope you will agree that the new threshold markers look great and are still standing the test of time as seen in the photo recently taken by Helicentre.
Of course, none of this would not have been possible by the excellent dedication of my team, so once again a big thanks to all of them.
Northern Technical Trainer
4 年Hi Mark. If you remember. I calculated we would require 12 tonnes of concrete. We actually took 12.1 tonne. As for the trips with the tractors each bucket held around? 0.5 tonne so approx 24 trips ??