Installing ELC on AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Users

Installing ELC on AWS: A Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Users

Happy Friday Y'all!

Are you looking to install ELC on AWS using a Windows instance? Look no further! In this article, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process to get ELC up and running on your Windows Server 2019 or higher instance on AWS.

Step 1: Create and Open a Dedicated Windows Server 2019 or Higher Instance

  • Launch a new Windows Server 2019 or higher instance on AWS.
  • Ensure that the instance is dedicated to ELC to avoid any conflicts with other applications.

Step 2: Set up Elastic IP Address

  • Assign an Elastic IP address to your instance to ensure a static IP address.
  • This will allow you to access your instance easily and securely.

Step 3: Configure Security Settings

  • Open the Security tab and set up IP ranges for ELC users for ports 5567 and 5580.
  • This will ensure that only authorized users can access your ELC instance.

Step 4: Access Your Windows Instance using Remote Desktop Connection

  • Use Remote Desktop Connection to access your Windows instance on AWS.
  • This will allow you to manage your instance remotely and securely.

Step 5: Configure Firewall Settings

  • Go to Settings | Windows Security | Firewall and network protection | Advanced settings | Outbound Rules.
  • Create a new outbound rule to open ports 5567 and 5580 for outbound traffic.

Step 6: Install ELC and Follow Setup Wizard Steps

  • Install ELC on your Windows instance.
  • Follow the Setup Wizard steps to complete the installation process.

By following these simple steps, you'll be able to install ELC on your Windows instance on AWS and start using it in no time.

#ELC #AWS #Windows #CloudComputing #InstallationGuide #StepByStep #RemoteDesktop #FirewallSettings #ElasticIP #SecuritySettings #CloudSecurity


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