Installation of Apache Hadoop 3.2

Installation of Apache Hadoop 3.2

1. Pre-requisites?

  • OS – Ubuntu 16.04 or later?(For this tutorial)
  • Java 8 Runtime Environment?
  • Java 8 developer kit for above?
  • RAM – 8GB or more?

2. Preparation?

Check if the prerequisites are met. Execute the below steps for verification?

$lsb_release -a?        
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Check Ubuntu Version

Make sure the version is ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Next, check for the Java version and install Java if required?

$ java -version?        
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Verify the JAVA version

If the version is older than 1.8, install a higher version?

$ sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y?        

Now, let’s check the hardware compatibility and make sure it meets the prerequisites.?

$ free -g?        
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Verify memory requirements

$ df -h?        

Make sure we have enough memory and storage space for installing Apache Hadoop 3.2?

3. Installing Hadoop?

Installation of Hadoop can be done using unpacking the software on all machines in the cluster with the help of packaging in the repository. In this case, we will configure one machine as NameNode or master and the other 2 servers in the cluster as DataNode or workers.?

For downloading and installing the relevant versions of Hadoop from the apache repo, we can use the below commands.?


$ tar xzf hadoop-3.2.1.tar.gz??        

Or we can install the packages from the repository?

$ sudo apt-get install hadoop hadoop-hdfs libhdfs0 hadoop-yarn Hadoop-client openssl?        

Before configuring Hadoop, it's recommended to connect the machines in the cluster?

4. Cluster Configuration?

All the below steps need to be executed on all the servers (both master and workers) in the cluster.?

  • Create Hadoop user?

$sudo adduser hadoopuser?        
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  • Provide sudo access to the user?

$sudo usermod -aG hadoopuser hadoopuser?
$sudo chown hadoopuser:root -R /usr/local/hadoop/?
$sudo chmod g+rwx -R /usr/local/hadoop/?
$sudo adduser hadoopuser sudo?        
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  • Hadoop needs SSH to connect to its local host and other nodes in the cluster. We will accomplish this by generating private/public key pairs.?

$ssh-keygen -t rsa -P “<yourkeypassword>” -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa?        
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Now copy the keys and change the permission?

$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys??        

  • Verify the above step?

$ssh localhost?$ssh localhost?        
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  • Copy the keys from master to workers and from workers to master. You will have to perform the operation on all data nodes and copy the files from the data nodes to the master.?

For this, we have multiple ways to copy the file?

Using SCP?

$scp /.ssh/id_rsa remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder/?$scp /.ssh/id_rsa remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder/?        

Using RSYNC?

$ rsync -av --delete -e "ssh" /path/to/source remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder$ rsync -av --delete -e "ssh" /path/to/source remoteuser@remoteserver:/remote/folder/?/?        

Using ssh copy?

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/mykey user@host?        

  • Last step is to add all servers in the cluster (both master and worker) in the hosts directory. This needs to be done on all the servers. Execute the below command and then add other servers in the cluster (including the localhost)?

$sudo vi /etc/hosts        

Once the cluster configuration is completed and keys are exchanged, you will able to connect the master server to worker servers and vice versa using ssh-keys. Hadoop will make use of this connectivity for performing actions between servers.?

5. Hadoop Configuration?

First, let’s start with configuring the path for HADOOP_HOME. For this, navigate to profile.d and add the following lines.?

$ sudo vi /etc/profile.d

export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin:$HADOOP_HOME/bin??        

Next, we have to make changes in the below configuration files before starting the Hadoop service.?

  • %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/hdfs-site.xml?
  • %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/core-site.xml?
  • %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/mapred-site.xml?
  • %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/yarn-site.xml?

Let’s start with hdfs-site.xml?

  • hdfs-site.xml config?

To create master-worker configuration, we need to create a directory to store all master node data and worker node data. Execute the below commands to create directories for the same.?

$sudo mkdir %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/data/dfs/namenode
$sudo mkdir %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/data/dfs/datanode??        

Now, let’s edit the hdfs-site.xml and add the details in the XML file.?

$sudo vi %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/hdfs-site.xml?



Allowed properties in hdfs-site.xml file are listed below Property Name?

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Reference - Apache Hadoop Documentation

  • core-site.xml config?

$sudo vi %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/core-site.xml


Allowed properties in core-site.xml file are listed below

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Reference - Apache Hadoop Documentation

  • yarn-site.xml?

The yarn-site.xml is used to describe settings related to YARN which includes settings for Node Manager, Resource Manager, Containers, and Application Master. To make config changes,

$sudo vi %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/yarn-site.xml

  <name>yarn.nodemanager.aux services.mapreduce.shuffle.class</name>

Allowed properties in yarn-site.xml file are listed below

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No alt text provided for this image
Reference - Apache Hadoop Documentation

  • mapred-site.xml

?$sudo vi %HADOOP_HOME%/etc/Hadoop/mapred-site.xml

  <description>MapReduce framework name</description>?

?Allowed properties in mapred-site.xml file are listed below

Reference - Apache Hadoop Documentation

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Reference - Apache Hadoop Documentation

  • ?Update Worker file

List all data node hostnames or IP addresses in your etc/hadoop/workers file, one per line. Helper scripts will use the etc/hadoop/workers file to run commands on many hosts at once. It is not used for any of the Java-based Hadoop configurations.?

$sudo vi /etc/Hadoop/workers


6.??Start Hadoop Cluster

To start a Hadoop cluster you will need to start both the HDFS and YARN cluster. The first time you bring up HDFS, it must be formatted.

$ hdfs namenode -format?        

Then, Start the HDFS NameNode with the following command on the designated node as hdfs.

$ hdfs --daemon start namenode        

Start the HDFS DataNode with the following command on each designated node as hdfs.

$ hdfs --daemon start datanode        

Now start dfs

$ ./        

Next, we must start the Hadoop Yarn service,

$ ./        
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Starting Hadoop cluster

To verify if all the Hadoop daemons are started, we can use the following command.


7.??Access Hadoop Cluster?

You can now access the Hadoop cluster and utilise master and slave servers for data needs.

WebUI will be enabled by default for namenode, resource manager and mapreduce server.?

NameNode – https://masterhost:9870

ResourceManager – https://resourcemanagerhost:8088

MapReduce Jobhistory – https://jsserver:19888

DataNode – https://masterhost:9864?

Make sure you stop all Hadoop services before shutting down the cluster. You can use the below command for the same.

$ ./        




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