Install & Run Typescript
Sumit Mishra
Php Architect || Technical Strategist || IT Consultant || Help You In Building IT Team || Project Outsourcing
To compile TypeScript code into JavaScript, you need to have the TypeScript compiler (tsc) installed. You can install it globally via npm (Node.js Package Manager) using the following command if you haven't already:
npm install -g typescript
Once TypeScript is installed, you can compile your TypeScript files using the tsc command followed by the name of the TypeScript file you want to compile. For example, if you have a TypeScript file named example.ts, you can compile it like this:
tsc example.ts
This command will generate a JavaScript file named example.js in the same directory as your TypeScript file.
If you have multiple TypeScript files and want to compile them all at once, you can specify multiple file names separated by spaces:
tsc file1.ts file2.ts file3.ts
You can also compile all TypeScript files in a directory and its subdirectories by using the --project or -p flag followed by the path to the directory containing your TypeScript files:
tsc --project /path/to/project/directory
This will compile all TypeScript files in the specified directory and its subdirectories, producing corresponding JavaScript files.
Additionally, TypeScript supports configuration files (tsconfig.json) where you can specify compiler options and include/exclude specific files or directories. Once you have a tsconfig.json file set up, you can simply run tsc without any arguments to compile your TypeScript project according to the configurations specified in the tsconfig.json file.
Here's an example tsconfig.json file:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"outDir": "dist"
"include": [
"exclude": [
With this configuration, running tsc in the project directory will compile all TypeScript files inside the src directory and its subdirectories into the dist directory, excluding files in the node_modules directory.