Install Good Code
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
Having some background in programming languages over the years, I am aware that Code guides how a program works. And there is that old notion of GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. That said, this morning I woke with more than a bit of an a-ha. My last thought in a waking dream had to do with the song Signs by the The 5-Man Electrical Band. "Thank you Lord for thinking about me, I 'm alive and feeling fine." resonated deeply. It was great input, and got me thinking of our own personal Code, if you will.
Good Code works well. Bad code, not so much. So, I am revisiting my Code. I have noted previously that I am on reset now... what I am seeing as a noble reset... with a focus on Simplicity and Excellence... and Courageous Integrity. It is ultimately about looking at my Code. Then, those words this morning amidst decisions to be made around Health. It really hit me... Simplicity, Excellence, Courage, Integrity for me are, in large part grounded in what I have come to affectionately refer to as My Chosen Code.
As a Baha'i who consciously and diligently chose my Faith at 32, these words above have deep meaning for me, yet it is only now (almost 32 years later) that I fully realize how they must needs guide my countenance and gait, my Health and my Service. Indeed, it is only this morning where I ever better understand that this is the Good Code for me ... and that I need to sharpen the blades on its re-installation. The reboot is timely.
My work is that I have been and am a Leadership Educator, Speaker, Coach and Creator helping Educators, Entrepreneurs and Emerging Leaders working to build a better world at school, work, business and community... through the advancement of Character, Purpose and Unity. That said, and in truth, it is only this morning that I have fully come to see the connection of my chosen Code to matters of my own practices around my Health and Service. My decisions around both need be ever more fundamentally impacted by this Code of choice... and Stoically so. The Code guides the output and I am looking for a another GIGO; Gold In, Gold Out.
Going for Gold: The Code in Practice
My Life and Service depend on my Health. It is beyond cliché, and yet we far too often need to be reminded of this Truth. I know that I do, and my body is reminding me thusly at this juncture. At this stage and age, my body is saying:
And I think upon those words of "Thank you Lord for thinking about me, I 'm alive and feeling fine." and The Code above. The "alive and feeling fine" thing has less to do with my physical Health (which needs devoted work) and more about the remembrance of my capacity to bring Character to the arena, in addressing same. The "alive and feeling fine" thing is about being thankful for that capacity to engage and change at this point in time. It is about being reminded that Character drives great and constructive and responsible change. And, I ever and even better realize that it is about The Code, in practice. The Gold In Gold Out needs Gold In... and that Gold is the Code I have long chosen, better lived.
Applying The Code
So, for me and my Health... what would that Gold Code look like? What would Generosity and Thankfulness look like with respect to my Health? What would Trustworthiness, Friendliness, Fairness, Meekness...
... Joyfulness, Integrity, UPRIGHTness...
... Strength, Truthfulness, Fidelity, Righteousness...
... Justice, KNOWledge, Wisdom and Humility look like?
Here are some thoughts. It begins with the Generosity to give myself the time to take care of my Health and make it a priority. My observation is that many of us find it easier to be generous with others... in time, energy and money... than we do ourselves. While Service to others is vital, Service to ourselves and being generous with ourselves... matters.
Consider Generosity towards yourself. That is Caring Management in action. For me, I need such to give myself the time and attention that my body wants and needs now and forward. Making the time for same is Generosity to myself. Then, there is the Thankfulness to indeed still have a chance to do so. Indeed, Thankfulness and Gratitude bear the fruit of genuine Optimism. And, there is the Trustworthiness and Fidelity to make good promises to keep; promises to myself and those matter most to me. Being my own best friend, in doing so; enter Friendliness...
... with ourselves. The sense of Justice and Fairness in respecting my body. Too often, we treat my physical selves with less Respect than our cars or homes... and our bodies is our primary vehicles and homes.
Then there is Joyfulness practiced in finding ways I love ... to improve said Health; enjoying the journey. And, marching my own best path with Integrity, doing what is right and best for me... Righteousness engaged. Walking with humble UPRIGHTness and Strength through what needs to be done. And learning as I go with Truthfulness, KNOWledge and Wisdom. How I engage this journey is dependent on how I learn and adapt forward.
Finally, there is Meekness... which is not about being a doormat nor victim. It is about a humble Confidence in our Strengths and Challenges, knowing we belong, matter, and have our own humble power to stand tall and look forward.
For Us All
That said, and for us all... my thought is that we each find our own best Code; our Gold Code. The one above might appeal to you, as it does for me. That said, your Code might be grounded in Desiderata. It might be grounded in the words of Baz Luhrmann. It might be grounded in the words from Marianne Williamson around Our Deepest Fear. It might be grounded in Kipling... or Invictus... or the words of George Bernard Shaw. It might align with the mission statement of Merlin Olsen...
... or the guidance of LP Jacks in saying:
Either way, find your consciously chosen Code. Create you own, but own it. Determine it. Discern, decide and devote on it. Figure out what matters most as far as a chosen Code is concerned. Internalize it. Memorize it. Claim it. Make it your Gold In for Gold Out. It will help forge your own best sense of Character, Purpose and Unity... of Composure and Confidence. It will ground and found your Leadership... at home, school, work, business or community. Amidst change and challenge, it will serve as anchor, ballast, rudder and sail... and the people who most seek you, will find you as you stand your Code, in practice.
As I close out this post, I am now hearing from the radio near by... the song called Signs... and maybe it is a sign. Eyes wide open...
Justice, Peace and Unity...
And here are some other offerings to possibly consider...
And some resources...
And Music...