Install GOLANG with GVM

Install GOLANG with GVM

Install Golang with gvm(Go Version Manager)

$ bash < <(curl -s -S -L?

Then Restart Terminal

Let's test if we installed successfully from the command

$ gvm version

If the installation is successful, it will display the Version of gvm for us. View the list of available Golang versions from the command

$ gvm listall

Next, install Golang with the command

$ gvm install go1.10.3

Note that the command will have a Version number after it. Here we install Version 1.10.3. Then set gvm to use Version 1.10.3 by default with the command

$ gvm use go1.10.3 --default

Now that we have installed Golang, we can check the Version that we use gvm to install Golang by the command

$ gvm list


