In·sta·gram·mat·i·cal·ly Speaking

In·sta·gram·mat·i·cal·ly Speaking

Point, click, filter. Selfie! Is there such thing as  Intsagram etiquette?

Vanessa Friedman coined the term "Instagram Imperative"  about decisions to design or change the silhouette of a piece of apparel, or  the  color of a garment based on how it will look on ones smart phone. In reality, that's how most people get their experiences now; on smart phones.                                                      Last season in the middle of a fashion show, photographers in the pit were yelling at  front row attendees to put away their phones or ipads.  "Get out my shot, or move your phone " the photographers continued to yell boisterously. At the finale, I noticed so few people were looking at the actual clothes, as opposed to looking through their phone at the clothes.
Vanessa Rosales ( who is pursuing a degree on Instagram and Fashion) at a       F. I. T  talk,  said last year "You can't get mad or say the good ole' days were better. Fashion changes and this is just one of those changes ." I doubt, the actual runway photographers share her sentiment.
  Gillian Tett of  The Financial Times in "How Photos Reached a Snapping Point," recounted a school dance her daughter attended, where the teachers decided to teach the students how to experience a memorable moment without a camera-memories of the minds. We have 7 billion smart phones-roughly equal to the number of people of the planet; with half of  those phones accounting for 1 trillion pictures a year. She asked "What is our obsession with photos doing to our minds- or more accurately, to our sense of memory. With cell phones, the act of taking photographs has come frenzied to a point where  we are so overwhelmed with images that we risk losing the ability to treasure them. "  Véronique Hyland states that most of use are terrible photographers and (for fashion shows) "Did your picture add something to the conversation? Did the person to your left just take exactly the same photo? Can you discern actual humans in the photo?"                                                                                                          Tommy's betting that Instagram will drum-up sales, brand interactions, and the like, even if there are a lot of exactly the same photos showing the exact same thing. The jury is still out on whether these translate to sells and exactly who can drive consumers to purchase.  While the digital guys roar about  3 million hits, the sales team doesn't report 3 million purchases. Maybe designers should form a coalition, one for  " El Chapo" to get clemency.  That's one way to get a shirt  to sell. Anyone up for  an "El Chapo" selfie?

Andale! Arriba, Arriba


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