Instagram Nailed It’s UI/UX: Here’s How!
Inverse Studio
We craft user-centric experiences that delight users, connect brands to customers & help you achieve your business goals
Case studies are a great way to learn how other designers have solved similar problems. They can be used as references and inspiration when trying to develop your solutions.
What is a case study?
It is an in-depth report on a specific project that details its goals, objectives, methodology, and outcomes. A case study helps to reference others who might be facing similar challenges or looking for inspiration for their projects.
Why Should Designers Read A Case Study?
A good case study will give you insight into the process behind the design work. You’ll learn what went into creating the final product, including some of the challenges faced along the way. You can also learn about best practices from other designers when solving problems or creating new types of products and experiences. This information can help you improve your process and product development skillset
The app’s designers have adopted the following categories of usability.
The on-boarding prompts for Instagram are concise and efficient. Users can play with the interface themselves, which teaches them as they go — similar to a well-designed video game.
The app’s buttons design helps users access the most commonly used features, such as user profile and home feed. The home button on an iPhone is in the middle of your phone. It is the natural position of your thumb when holding the phone. Therefore, placing the add photo/s/ button above the home screen makes sense. It’s also what most users want to do when they log into Instagram.
Instagram’s interface uses a flat design. It doesn’t use inner or drop shadows to show that you can click on buttons and links. However, it uses the differentiation of colors to educate users. Some layouts require you to input text/numbers. The flashing cursor shows users that this is an active field in these cases.
Instagram timelines are available when uploading or viewing stories. They indicate the time of the photo and the user’s location concerning story viewing.
Instagram displays photos on a grid. The space between photos is not too large. It originally limited photos to 612px x 612px a few years back. Then, they changed to 640px x 640px in July 2015 and to 1080px x 1080p inches . The color scheme is another way to show consistency. Blue is the primary color for links and calls to action buttons, such as the “follow” button.
Help and documentation:
Instagram is intuitive and doesn’t require any documentation. After you log in, it will appear depending on where you click to help explain what it is used for. You can also find helpful links when you need them.
Instagram’s account creation process is short. They offer a “Learn More” option for those who want more information.
It’s easy to get used to the functions of Instagram once you have started playing with them. It is quick and simple to upload photos, scroll through your feed, review your profile, and discover other users.
Instagram will keep you signed in until your log out, so you can access your account whenever you open an app.
Instagram allows you to see when something failed to upload and why. This example shows that the photo didn’t upload due to a lack of Internet connectivity.
The app’s UI design and UX are very thoughtful. Its designers have thoroughly studied psychology, science, and art to create an enjoyable and valuable user experience
Are users happy with it? According to the App Shop, Instagram averages 4.5/5 stars across all versions. Although it has its flaws and crashes, users love it.
Though each platform offers a variety of options, the overall UI/UX trend is to be more clean, minimalistic, and intuitive
Ultimately, we believe that Instagram created a clean, fun app that lets users easily access their profiles' essential features. As you might expect from a startup growing at the rate Instagram was, there were plenty of growing pains along the way as it adjusted to an ever-increasing user base. However, Instagram managed to maintain its positive attitude and love for its users even as it evolved into one of the most prominent social media apps today.
Image Credits:-?Lisa Yang And Google Images