My gripe with Instagram!
Is as follows,
Multiple clients of mine have presented their phone screen to me upon arrival or sent me a screen shot via message and either said, or typed the words "I want to look like that".
Disregarding their own body and the achievements they have made so far!
They believe that following these profiles will motivate - however I believe they have a detrimental effect on their mental state.
If you're on a journey to improve your physical ability or the way you look I'm asking you right now to UNFOLLOW those who post ab shot after ab shot. Ladies with pristine hair and makeup during a workout or if you see a 'discount code' mentioned that has nothing to do with the image above - UNFOLLOW.
Follow those that show you how to stretch, teach you how to move and more importantly have clothes on while doing so! Instagram is full of pretend professionals who look the part and feed off your insecurities.
Dig deeper, there are pages and people out there who really will motivate you to get the body you want.