KRS One I appreciate your description of the real GOD x UNIVERSE x NATURE(G.U.N) –.? I hold my Divinely sanctioned and approved G.U.N with me daily – Alpha Omega Intelligence, YHWH, you are my protector.
?What do I do with my Divine G.U.N? In the words of Big Bougie, I chopp it, cock it, pop it…… as you got to, “…..stand for something.”? It stands for YHWH YAH HEALTH WEALTH HAPPINESS?.? ?Yah be praised always!?
Ancient Principle: “May undeserved kindness and peace be increased to you by accurate knowledge of YHWH and of Yehoshua our lord, for his divine power has granted us all things that contribute to life and godly devotion through the accurate knowledge of the One who called us by his own glory and virtue.? Through these things he has granted us the precious and very grand promises, so that through these you may become shares in divine nature.? Philippians 2:13-16
Welcome to Episode 13 of Thankful Thursdays.?? There is no better way to start our day then to be appreciative for the small and great things that surround us.? There is divine order when you recognize and respect the position as the G.U.N.MAN.? With great power comes great responsibility and how we wield our weapons, swords or words, can positively or negatively affect those around us.? May we all come to understand our true power as G.U.N.MAN so that we can know self, INSPIYAH change, INSPIYAH CULTURE, INSPIYAH innovation, INSPIYAH generations, INSPIYAH TRUTH, INSPIYAH Empowerment, INSPIYAH LOVE, and INSPIYAH progress towards knowledge and a relationship with the AOI – Alpha Omega Intelligence.? YHWH thank you:
To the E’s & P’s, thank you for joining us for Thankful Thursday as we acknowledge each of our roles as the G.U.N.MAN.?? The G.U.N.MAN is very powerful and can be a safeguard to many.? This is the time that we need to strengthen our MIND, BODY & YAH SPIRIT.?? If you feel this is a reference to a piece of metal then we need to delve deeper into the G.U.N.MAN and Free YAH Mind.
?Ancient Principle: “Therefore, I appeal to you by the compassions of YHWH, brothers to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to YHWH, a sacred service with your power of reason. & stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of YHWH.” Romans 12: 1,2
Today’s Inspiration:
As times are changing there is more of a need to develop a holistic approach to your Mind, Body & Spirit.? YAH HEALTH WEALTH HAPPINESS? - YHWH are pillars of the universal success that we all strive to gain.? In today’s inspiration I share a little more about why created, "The World of INSPIYAH" and why I promote the YHWH Framework as my pillars of success.? No matter our situation all of us carry a set of burdens or weight that we all have to manage in the face of obstacles.? As we know the “gunman” reference generally only relates to a negative common news feed.??
We all remember John Allen Williams a smart, learned man of his craft.? His children Taalibah, and Salena were happy, loved, comforted, and had great memories of their father. ?These women give gratitude to their mother as a pillar to keeping them empowered, optimistic, strengthened and GOD fearing, living a life of TRUTH during the loss of the man they once knew as their father.? Their interview can be found here ( .? Music helped these young ladies along their EPIIC Hero’s Journey.? Yet what took their father over the edge? His training in war, his religion, his shadow, his triggers, or Caretaker B?? Was he funneled through a system? Did he become aware to Caretaker B enabling lower-level energies??
What if we were to rephrase this expression of the G.U.N.Man into something positive, for today’s TT edition 13.? GOD X Universe X Nature & Man are self-explanatory words, the true G.U.N.MAN. Now depending on the GOD selected, it can move us to either develop our Mind, Body, and Spirit towards Yah Health Wealth and Happiness ? or Ignorance, Neglect, Madness.? Why is this a topic for the E’s and P’s?? My EPIIC Hero’s journey started out as the professional, and my situation was no different than most associated to the workforce generation............
YAHFFIRMATIONS” by Keeper Of the Fiyah ?
Call To Action
We’re excited to invite you to join INSPIYAH Mail: Mind Unplugged From INSPIYAH To Blog, a thriving group of like-minded individuals who are passionate and want to INSPIYAH wellness.? Join our holistic wellness movement and Free YAH mind, Find YAH purpose & Let's INSPIYAH truth.
In this community, you’ll get to know INSPIYAH beyond the basics:
Whether you’re just starting out or already on your EPIIC Hero’s journey, this community is a place to learn, share, and grow together.? We are not just a brand we are a lifestyle.
We’d love for you to be part of this exciting journey in unlocking the well spirit. Join us, and let’s take the next steps toward YAH HEALTH WEALTH HAPPINESS (YHWH) ?., together!
Future Collaboration:
Please look out for our future collaboration with the HOLISTIC Communities
Join us in making a difference! Your generous donation can provide essential support to those in need, helping us continue our mission of promoting holistic health and wellness in our community. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact. Together, we can create a healthier, happier future for all.
Join INSPIYAH Mail Mind Unplugged From INSPIYAH to blog to become part of the CULTURE!
We can’t wait to welcome you inside!
Warm regards, Keeper Of The Fiyah
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