Inspiring people to embrace open plan, leaving their cellular office space behind them
It may seem like an outdated notion, asking staff to relinquish cellular office space, but it’s still not that unusual in today’s world. So, imagine how challenging that was in 2002! We increased business efficiency and space management for Avaya whilst reducing the amount of real estate the company needed.
Changing the landscape from 100% cellular to open 100% open plan improved employee culture and connections, with a 50% increase in face-to-face communication alone. The new open plan culture was supported with stimulating meeting and breakout spaces, which have improved staff satisfaction, motivation and team working. To further enhance the new culture, the Avaya brand was creatively expressed through the interior using large sections of coloured glass.
Technology was also driving the way that the office needed to be viewed and used. The openness of the space, incorporating the latest wireless technology, inspired people to work in any location and in any way that facilitated their activity.