Inspiring Keynotes at D4GX 2016
Our third Data for Good Exchange (D4GX) began with two eye-opening keynotes, by Cathy O'Neil and Lynn Overmann. Cathy spoke to the audience about her passion, which is to transform the use of algorithmic assessments from 'scientism' into testable and understandable processes with accountability. Lynn talked about the desperate need to use already-available data to make better decisions in state and local justice systems, in order to avoid unintentional (and harmful) segmentation which leads to recidivism, and worse.
Both messages were challenging and inspiring; while data science has made great strides, there's still a long way to go and we'll need thought leaders like Cathy and Lynn to help us apply these tools to produce the best possible result for society. You can read more about their keynotes here.
Really interesting