Inspired by Winx....

Inspired by Winx....

Sometimes, when you feel like the champion Winx did the other day when she was almost boxed in, when you feel like every which way you turn someone is putting up a smoke screen because they can't see your vision,

Or when someone asks where your calling from and you say your calling on behalf of yourself, there's an awkward silence as no one takes you seriously because your perceived as a sales rep.

When historically your product has often been the most expensive thing in a shop and convincing people to believe in it is harder than words can explain.

Or when someone doesn’t know even look past the front cover as you tell them some of the edge of your seat details of how they came about which is likely more exciting than the dreams they have, and then they say no to stocking your product.

You just walked in my shoes.

Now put yourself my potential customers shoes.

  • We never know what may have just happened to them,
  • We don’t know what’s going on in their business, their life,
  • We don’t know what shonky deals someone may have convinced them off previously that makes them skeptical now

The list could go on…..we just don’t know their situation.

It’s hard to keep this in perspective at the time as the rejection hurts, but that's their decision and it's not a reflection on me.

But with a little help from 5 minutes with my precious Jack Russell, I muster up the courage to do a COLD CALL! Yep RED ALERT the dreaded cold call…. to a shop that one may think is the most least likely prospect....but when you leave 3 hours later with a wonderful order and they see the quality and uniqueness in your product and your story, you know they will champion it and do well, the feeling of elation makes up for all the naysayers and disbelievers.

I have been forced to grow and stretch my mind, skills and business ability to a whole new level...and who knows what that will lead to down the track.

Thanks Vater Machinery and Ag Implements for giving me the time of day and opening a new door for me.


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