Inspired Leadership in Action: What Does it Mean to Inspire Employees?
PowerUp Leadership
PowerUp Leadership specializes in delivering: - Talent Roadmap Solutions - Executive Coaching - Leadership Training
Almost five years ago, I decided to start up a business, PowerUp Leadership.?It was clear to me that employers could do better in terms of how we lead people.?As a human resources professional, I had worked for 20 years in the field, and the challenges that employees faced landed on my desk each day.?On a good day, it was making sense of employee engagement data to know what projects or programs to roll out, and on a bad day it was navigating harassment complaints in the workplace.
?Inspired employees on average give an additional 50% discretionary effort at work compared to those who are satisfied, but mostly there for the paycheck.”
Susan Power, Founder & CEO, PowerUp Leadership
My vision for PowerUp Leadership is to support employers in growing leaders to inspire performance.?Managers often are good at tracking projects and delivering reports to senior leadership.?They are often not as strong at knowing how to inspire others to action.?When they need to execute transformation projects, many times managers do not know how to get buy-in from the team or generate enthusiasm about the initiative.?Executives and the CEO are more often the voices communicating the why and delivering inspiration, but imagine how powerful it would be if the direct managers who employees interact with each day could also inspire!?Wouldn’t it be a different workplace climate, if managers could learn how to lead through inspiration and motivate action rather than simply direct, correct, and measure results?
That’s where leadership coaching comes in.??Most leaders are not born, they are made.?It is through the guidance and encouragement from the inspired leaders that they work with (irrespective of job title) that employees find confidence to grow their careers.?Coaching can accelerate the learning process, where managers can increase their self-awareness and rely on more than simply trial and error of experience to be their guide.?A leadership coach can provide an unbiased perspective to ask the right questions that make it clear to managers what action is needed to succeed as a team.
Reach out to schedule a complimentary exploratory call today to learn more about Inspired Leadership? and how coaching can help.