Inspired Leader or Ignorant Fool?
Elaine Godley
DISC Expert and Trainer | Master Health and Life Mentor | Empowering individuals and organisations through behavioural insights
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
Derek Bok, former President Harvard University
When I was finally diagnosed with a rare and incurable kidney disease I accepted what I was told by medics. I′d been brought up to respect my elders and especially doctors. They know everything and we need to follow their guidance, right?
Through experiencing 20+ years of taking daily antibiotics which managed my condition but never cured it, I turned my ignorance into inspiration for others to learn from.
How did I Cure my Incurable Disease?
20 years later, I followed my intuition and studied with help and guidance from mentors and natural health practitioners.
My ignorance of how the body works was at fault. My foolish trust to believe what I was told by Harley Street doctors was at fault.
A result of long-term antibiotics, I later contracted different versions of cancer and hepatitis and so I did more study alongside managing senior leadership positions for my own company and as a consultant and mentor to others. We never know how strong we are until we are tested!
There′s a reason we are indoctrinated about treatment - treatment manages a condition but doesn′t cure it. In other words we become ′customers′ and on medication for life.
The findings, taken from a 2016 survey of more than 8,000 adults, show that 19% of young adults aged 16 years to 24 years are taking one or more prescribed drug whilst more than 90% of those aged 75 years and over are taking medication.
Nearly half of people aged over 75 years were shown to be taking at least five types of drugs.
NHS Digital said a total of 1.1bn prescriptions were dispensed in 2015/16 — a rise of 47% in a decade.
Why Am I Sharing This Data?
Because YOU can do something about your health and wellbeing NOW.
Please don′t wait until you notice symptoms in which case it will be more difficult to reverse your condition.
YES. I said reverse!
99% of all illness can be potentially reversed even stage 4 cancer which I managed for myself in 2015.
EVERY medication has a side effect which is why when you start on one medication the ball starts rolling and another pill will deal with the side effect of the first and so the pattern continues. Death as a result of medication side effects is the number 3 killer in the US.
We receive no training in preventative healthcare at school and our parents were brought up to follow the doctor′s guidance and so this pattern became an accepted part of life.
Patterns can be disrupted!
Will you learn how to help yourself before it′s too late, or continue in ignorance as I did for 20 years?
Help is at Hand
I invite you to register for an education programme I am facilitating commencing Wednesday 5 April 8-9 pm UK time.
10 FREE Masterclasses will discuss the key reasons why people become sick.
Click here to reserve your FREE virtual seat and start taking control. Become an inspired leader and teach your friends, family and work colleagues how they too can attain optimal health.
Elaine Godley MBA, O.A.Dip (Psych) is a multi-award-winning health and wellbeing mentor, multi-published author, public speaker and all round good egg.
Some call her an angel, some call her Elaine God-send whilst a handful of people can′t stand her (not that many in the scheme of things though).
Elaine′s 6-month intensive personal triple mentoring programme for business leaders is an investment of £12K.