Be Inspired: How to Make It in This World.
Vanessa D.
Financial Advisor at New York Life & NYL Securities | Financial Usui Reiki Master with Certifications in Hypnotherapy (hypnosis) and others at VWATERS. I specialize in human therapies!
“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”, Sigmund Freud
"Be successful," he said.
He has a strong voice.
I can't ignore his words.
There I go, spending way too much time trying to understand why these words didn't feel as good when I heard them.
He follows up with, "Success knocks at people's doors only a few times in a lifetime.".
I want to roll my eyes, yet I don't like to go about it this way.
But, seriously.
I want his words to get out of my head because they reminded me of a few things in my life, and this is taking up my mental space, but I also feel it could just be me making a big deal.
Luckily, HE is a fictional character on TV, and he is part of a story being told! But my reaction to his words is very real (hahaha!)
Can you relate?
Hello, dear friend.
It's been some time.
Thank you for reading my articles!!
How have you been?
How has your world been after Trump being center stage for some of your worries (or excitements)?
This is Vanessa.
I had a different last name when I started this newsletter.
Life is different because I am "uncoupling". I consider myself reinvented!
How Reinvented is My Current World Doing?
I said yes to other methods that improve people's financial status—and it feels really good to go in this new direction!
Right! Here's what I hadn't shared when I started this newsletter:
I am, and have been, an expert at therapies, including financial therapy.
I have continued learning and parsing ideas to enhance my success regardless of the transitions I experience.
And, most recently, I added financial advice.
You'll see more ongoing changes in the next few weeks and months when you click my name on LinkedIn and other social media.
(Because the spaces you use have a huge influence on your growing wealth, I continue balancing energy fields for physical spaces, a service probably perceived as a mix of Feng Shui, Reiki and other alternative therapies).
And here's what comes NEXT that can inspire you in the coming days:
How would you like it if I could help you feel more certainty about your financial status?
(I feel I figured out my manifesting powers because the most recent opportunities I have a voice in are fantastic.)
Before sharing with you a few questions to be understood as shortcuts into your latest manifesting powers, you should know:
Most recently, I understood that the two things mentioned above are both related to purpose.
Furthermore, throughout my life, I told myself again and again, "Do not quit."
"You will get it done in time if you keep going," is another example.
What therefore should be done with all this thinking that may bring up some dread or fear, as suggested by science and psychology, both of which have a purpose?
It is not easy, but it is simple.
These days, I give myself more time to think about what can go wrong.
Something about what I shared with you in this article and the questions I ask in the quiz will help (this is only if you haven't found a solution OR if you are curious about my frames with imposter syndrome).
Take the quiz here
And have a great day!
Want More?
Drop me a comment or send me a note, and visit my LinkedIn profile to find the link to my website. My website is all about therapies that make you feel really productive, and, as mentioned above, I am starting to advise financially. Thanks for following!